About Moderation

We have to do the moderation now so we can have no moderation in the future. It’s science.

I hope and believe this stuff will all blow over in a couple of days, though there’s certainly some lingering animosity that has and will persist, and some people have more or less been permanently alienated due to negative experiences, which is something we should all want to avoid, but that’s not easy when disputes get personal, and when different posters assume and frame one another’s posts or actions or presumed actions in the negative light.

I think it may be useful to update the terms of service, but I don’t think TOS can replace good faith. This thread has like 30 commenters, about the size of a high school classroom, and I think we should be able to ride out “tribal” and personal disputes without rewriting the Magna Carta.

Ultimately, I think people need to believe using and enjoying the site is a better use of their time than arguing about thing X or Y they feel wronged about.


i think we should have a royal rumble. caffeine needed can be at ringside for emergency measures. random draw. actually maybe an old fashioned battle royal where everyone starts in the ring at once, then the different tribes can gang up on and eliminate each other while me and riverman roll under the ropes and hide out under the ring talking about the browns until there’s one person left who thinks he/she won.but then we throw that person out and then i fake like i’m shaking hands with riverman and scoop him out too and i win.



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so i just went back several hundred posts to see if i could figure out wtf was going on.

gave up. jesus yall argue like it’s fun. i recognize/remember most of everyone but i guess i don’t remember (or care to?) past arguments (except for bruce z saying he’d vote for someone who wanted to bring back slavery over a republican and then doubled down when questioned, i’ve hung onto that one) enough to spend hours doing back and forth gotchas with people who definitely look forward to that kinda thing.

i guess i used to back on 2p2 a decade ago too, but you guys don’t get tired of that? not even arguing about politics or sports or whatever, just over who’s right in remembering ______?

anyway, i still wanna know the gossip whenever that comes out, but i remember now why i never really got into these leadership/mod debates :woozy_face:


You’d have to go back like two years.

Some people here just can’t seem to let shit go.


i have “no friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom i have not repaid in full” tattooed on my body, so i get it.

but ole Sulla probably wasn’t talking about politics discussion forum beef :joy:

i don’t mean to sound like i’m above getting mad at somebody on the internet, bc i can and will. sobriety took a lot of the anger and frustration away. but all that said, i just spent 10 minutes reading a kindergarten level spat between multiple otherwise really intelligent grown men…

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actually LOL :rofl:

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Thanks for this update.

You are not to confuse benevolent zikzak Stalin with the so-called divine origin that every NoMod captain Roman general seems to acquire together with his army of troll gimmicks shield.

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I make it three weeks since @anon38180840 began his new regime of mod rules featuring his special patent exponential ban system.

We had a lot of warnings, silences and bans until very recently, some lasting many weeks thanks to the special patent exponential ban system, but since the rules have been suspended only minor bickering and no dogpiling.

I suggest the so far successful experiment to suspend moderation should be continued until a body of evidence exists showing that it has failed.


His only fault was not banning more.
Why are scammers like Victor allowed to post?


Why couldn’t it logically be argued that the earlier draconian moderation sanctions have led to the recent period of relative tranquility, not that such measures are/were not needed?

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Because the conflict stopped as soon as the aggressive moderation stopped?


We’ve gotta let him hang around so AngryQueer can reference his scamming with a fun cute avatar

So clever!


I’m sure it will stay that way

lol, I didn’t see that dollar sign until you pressed the ENHANCE button, pretty good.