About Moderation


Guys GTFO now before itā€™s too late.

waitā€¦ LOL who the fuck just deleted my post?!? as i was rereading it?

what are yall DOING in here?

so nobody can talk about a former admin admittedly doing those things that cannot be mentioned?


iā€™m not being an ass here, i really donā€™t know

like, i came in asking if what i read was ā€œthe dramaā€.

and it got deleted?


At this point because weā€™re asking nicely. Its not a lot of fun for us either trust me


Thatā€™s what PM threads are for, apparently.

This was within the last couple of hours. I think itā€™s fair to just chill out for a while and see what happens.

Iā€™m assuming/hoping it will be a nothingburger and things will go forward as usual.


forum drama, moderation, voting for moderators, ā€˜the presidentsā€™ or whatever tf, etc. isnā€™t why i come here, so iā€™ve always given those things minimal amounts of my attention. iā€™ve never really even noticed mod actions, though iā€™ve calmed down a lot in my old age/sobriety. i think iā€™ve voted yes on every moderator poll bc if theyā€™re willing, sweet.

but whatever this is has my interest :joy: probably doesnā€™t affect me, but iā€™m rubber-necking like a little kid rn lol

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How long should we wait before starting a PM thread for rumor-mongering and potential slander?

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i lurk here so much. probably hours reading the dozen or two threads i follow every day. the forum beef/moderator stuff doesnā€™t involve me usually so it usually isnā€™t interesting to me. so this isā€¦ crazy :joy:

that said, thereā€™s some really intelligent and capable people here, i assume theyā€™ll figure out the best way to handle whatever is happening.

edit: oh shit clovisā€™s post just disappeared which means mine is about to too :joy: fuck. sorry. it wasnā€™t anything specific i figured


I deleted your post to remove the speculation (sorry) but I did want to address this part of it.

Unstuck has two people who could be considered ā€œownersā€ from a legal standpoint: the person who registered the domain and the person who pays for the hosting. Their actual real life names are attached to this place and they could potentially be held liable for things posted here.

somebody needs to chill TF out. :roll_eyes:

this is the best place on the internet to discuss the shit that i like to discuss. why canā€™t peopleā€¦ nm, people are weird.


support the troops. support the police. watch football. eat arbys.


well, they do have the meats


So disappointed in them, the Taco Bell $5 box comes with nachos or cinnamon twists, not both.

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individual cops iā€™ve gotten to know over the years, yeah sure. ā€œthe policeā€ as a group? i cannot.

with your username, iā€™d assume youā€™d agree.

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