About Moderation

The logs do not show this.

The “some reason” is the logs contain sensitive information and are only visible to moderators and admins for a reason. Publishing them for the entire forum to see exposes incredible amounts of information all to not even prove the point you think the logs will prove.

First you’d have to find somebody who would take anything you were handing out

I could just make it public and let people decide what they want to do so that any action is stochastic.

Did you and CW/Cuse not understand this a couple days ago?

The mod and admin team is discussing how to proceed with disclosing what’s going on.

cW redacted sensitive information.

The logs contain the exact text of every post deleted on this forum, that’s a lot more than PM titles.

the logs do show what I did and it’s exactly what I said.

They show you opened a PM, they don’t show how long you viewed it or anything else that would corroborate your claims.

I’d like to make it absolutely clear that the erotic short stories otatop and I may or may not have been privately sharing are not under any copyright protection laws whatsoever.

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Enjoy the day off CN.

So you admit what you’ve always denied: it’s multiple PMs you weren’t invited to, that you read.

It shows when I viewed it. you can see the timestamps that it was made public shortly after. I never disputed I viewed it - I dispute this claim they have been trotting for over a year now they know is bs that I was constantly snooping/reading their pm’s and doxxing them and whatever other bullshit they come up with. the logs reflect this fact, and you stating they do not is a bit ridiculous.

Nobody cares but you.

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oh, ok, other than the 3,000 posts of people getting wildly frothy about something that didn’t happen, sure.

if no one cares, I guess we can all stop harassing me about it then. wonderful. well done sir.

Enjoy the day off jmakin.

Now that we can discuss old drama for a bit, that BruceZ guy was a real jerk. And those ACists, man, they were for the birds.


I nominate @realDonaldTrump for public master to go over these materials.


It’s been a while since we’ve seen theRealJmakin — their last post was 6 months ago.

Felt like less


Hey just a reminder, the bans from today are not logged in the proper thread

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