About Moderation

i dont know if you’re just stupid or trying to troll stupidly but it’s been stated ad nauseum there is a pm thread. you’re well aware of it, douchebag.

So you’re saying that someone is deleting posts for the purposes of:


And you won’t share evidence that the contents of this thread are already public bc why? it will be deleted by some unnamed person?

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All I have is one of you dumbasses spilled the beans to me in the form of a summary and an “I’ll try to get you in if you tone it down, even though it will be difficult”

Jmakin just assumes people have read it all and shared it widely, because that’s what he does, so why wouldn’t everyone


does? post the staff logs. I had someone review my activity and I am very confident of what is in there and I have been forthcoming about it.

you show zero such concerns towards an actual rogue admin that has actually caused real damage to the site in fits of anger. like, it’s just baffling. you cannot be this obtuse. it isn’t possible. none of you can be.

I am certainly not party to discussions on either side of this thread but I think it is fairly safe to assume everyone is PMing privately. Don’t really have to have all teh hax to make an educated guess.

I’m not in any PM threads. Someone tell me who I need to wreck.

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Maybe return to planning to abduct people?


Comical if true. So, there’s a PM chain that some peeps don’t want made public — let’s call it the New Captains Thread, for example. And these peeps include you in that convo??!! And now they’re upset it somehow got found out about? Or that some admin improperly accessed it?

You really can’t make this shit up.


one of the very first posts in the pm thread is me saying that everyone should assume the thread is public, because I’d had suspicions - so no, I wouldn’t say anything is being hidden, but good try.

Except it’s older than the Captains PM.

And their claim is someone accessed it maliciously 3 years ago, in order to share its contents around.

Even though there has been zero mention of this EVER by any captian, publicly or in any of the PM threads that jmakin and company were reading every word of and sharing among themselves.

Well, clearly I try to get other people to do my dirty work, so I would just hand out addresses and workplaces.

Are we still using the same nomination process?

Bless your heart

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Just disable all PMs. Problem solved.

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They were the real captains all along?


no, this didn’t happen - I opened the captain pm thread and made it public in a matter of minutes. the logs will show this though, which you guys know and are not wanting people to see the rest of them for some reason.

otatop, I assume your new “no discussing former admin stuff” applies in this case too? or no?

Could someone on staff let the rest of the forum know what the heck is going on?

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We can’t comment publicly at this time.

You should at least be able to say something like there is a pending legal action against the forum if that is in fact what is happening. Or if not you could say so.

Can you give us a synopsis in our secret Victorian erotica pm thread?