About Moderation

This sort of unnecessary snark from a long-time mod is one source of many problems.

If someone makes it clear in real life that they have no respect for me and doesnā€™t care what I think then yeah of course Iā€™ll remember that and take it into account in all future interactions. Thatā€™s not holding a grudge, itā€™s just common sense.


Jal is complaining about snark.


Am I supposed to beg for forgiveness for having disagreements with Keed? No. I was attempting to have a dialogue and he refuses.

The end goal should be that all members of UP, past and present, feel safe and welcomed here. This includes the fairly large number of ā€œcaptainsā€ that felt alienated and left. Users like all-in flynn, smacc, conman, pyatinskt, michaeldavis, swankywilder and others.

Apologies if i mentioned anyone who wishes to not be named.


Beautiful. I agree with this. I know you donā€™t speak for everyone, but do those users and others even want to come back or is this a futile exercise?

Is my characterization of your attitude towards me accurate? If you think it is and you regret it you donā€™t have to beg for forgiveness but an apology would go a long way. If you think itā€™s accurate and you donā€™t regret it then thereā€™s nothing to talk about. If you donā€™t think itā€™s accurate then thatā€™s something else entirely.

I wholeheartedly agree with this! It will take actual moderation to happen though. Appeals to achieve this without moderation are only being made by people in bad faith who want to bully people here as much as possible.

This is not Zion, i dont think anyone is yearning to return to UP promised land as some goal. I do think if this community gets back on track theres no reason why these posters wonā€™t come back. The common interest of all of us havent changed much. Everyone came from the same background - highly competitive somewhat intelligent opinionated nerds.


The lines are so well delineated after all this time that there are very few members whoā€™d be respected enough by both sides to mod fairly and potentially allow the community to come back together.

One such is RiskyFlush, but I donā€™t know if theyā€™d want the gig.

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I wish you humps would spend more energy on providing me interesting content. What crazy thing did some republican in Arizona say? Examples of USA Healthcare #1. Memes regular and communist. Updates on Covid and Ukraineā€¦


Write something about Mearsheimer in the Ukraine thread and Iā€™ll give you all the content you want

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FWIW this is exactly the sort of reconciling conversations that weā€™d have to have to actually sort things out here. And why I think itā€™s hopeless, because few people will will be willing to engage in it openly and honestly.

Honestly, I donā€™t have any regrets and I donā€™t feel bad about my actions because I had a read that I still feel is legit. Iā€™m also 100% being honest when I say that I donā€™t believe engaging with you will lead to anything so Iā€™m choosing not to. I understand you disagree. Iā€™m okay with leaving that alone because we are not going come to the middle on this.

Right. You donā€™t and didnā€™t respect me, refused to engage with me when I was moderator and still feel that way. You can see why I donā€™t have any interest in talking to you. Why youā€™re trying to solicit my opinion in the first place given all this is the real mystery.

But like I said, hopeless.

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I donā€™t believe I asked you to chime in. You can reply anytime you want but saying I was trying to solicit your opinion specifically is wrong.


Anyway, thanks so much for demonstrating how hopeless this situation is. You had a read!

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve shown you similar animosity so can I ask what the goal for you is?

Do some of you want to post here? If yes, then it seems like finding some kind of solution is valuable. If no, why keep up the fight?

It clearly was a good attempt. Maybe you just suck at reading, but I think itā€™s more likely that you just donā€™t want to hear the truth when itā€™s stated.

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Yes, I do want to post here. Like I said, I think that the situation is solvable if people will actually talk to one another about their lingering animosity and grievances, and admit to wrongdoing and mistakes. Some people like Goof Baller and jalfrezi clearly have zero interest in doing that. Many others like tilted probably kind of want the same thing as I do but donā€™t actually want to discuss the conflict and hurt feelings and mistakes. Not with their Forum Enemies. So I think itā€™s probably hopeless but what the hell, why not try.

And on that note Iā€™m more than happy to discuss anything Iā€™ve ever done that has led to bad feelings, division, and animosity.