About Moderation

Reverse this for a true statement

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I was attempting to have a refuse and he dialogues?


There are plenty of people here who could be mods that would be acceptable to the vast majority of the posters here. The problem has always been a small handful of permanently aggrieved trolls who constantly harass virtually every mod weā€™ve ever had into quitting. People getting salty with Tilted ITT are a fine example of this, what exactly did he do to piss you guys off?


He ran off a mod

People can tell me how Iā€™ve aggrieved them and Iā€™ll talk to them about it. Iā€™m not going to guess how I might have aggrieved them.

God I laughed hard at this post, both because I knew what the answer would be and my psychologist wife would have phrased the question exactly that way. Wouldnā€™t let someone get away with the non response answer though

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Youā€™re missing the point. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve done anything that should have made someone upset. Iā€™m probably wrong and have. This is a blind spot we all have. Me guessing what grievances unnamed people might have against me is pointless, because the point is clearing the air with the people who are aggrieved and are seeking reconciliation.

And like I said I doubt Iā€™ll get any takers but if I do Iā€™ll talk to them.

Why did you feel you needed a read? Itā€™s obvious when people are winding others up so when they react they get banned, and itā€™s obvious that campaigns against a small number of posters were run to falsely smear them as racist or sexist and to deride their origin, or mischaracterise their posts, yet you and almost all of your fellow mods idly did nothing at best or actively joined in at worst.

Then, when it all starts falling apart, you come up with ā€œOh, how has this all happened and what can be done to put this right? Iā€™m confident in my reads, thoughā€.


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This is not a blind spot we all have.

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Right, not you.

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You laughed at someone being patronising dick - no surprise there.



But again, the point is the dialogue between those who feel aggrieved and the person open to reconciliation.

NEVER SHOW WEAKNESS: Gotta go Trump-style to win

Another mistake by Keed

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This is how itā€™s done.

A perfect post.


[x] perfect

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I think I met you in an ER last week

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At this point, this site requires a moderation scheme that does not assume goodwill.

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