About Moderation

A poster gets banned for a short period of time, evades that ban by creating a dozen or so accounts to attack other posters and moderators, their response is ‘what’s the harm?’

This is not in good faith.

time machine back to fuckyoubanme’s registration date. I don’t think it’s reversible at this point.


ok ikes, keep me updated on what’s good faith or not.

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And the classic non-response from keeeed when he knows he’s cornered. Keeeed is ok with people doxxing, evading bans, and creating an unlimited amount of accounts to troll. He is not ok with the most basic of moderation… of his friends.

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lol of course I didn’t say anything of the sort. Never change ikes.

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I just don’t understand the end game here. Would the users that left or don’t post anymore more come back if a 0 moderation policy was attempted? It seems to me that ship has sailed already and the damage is irreparable, but I would like to be wrong on that.

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You should ask the people doing the draconian and divisive moderating what their end game is. My guess is driving their Forum Enemies off of this site but you’d have to ask them. They might even tell you, but I doubt it.


Great… Thanks for the attempt in having a real discussion about fixing this.

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this really is the heart of the problem. any attempts to clarify the “when” has been a mess. beyond horseporn and spam, everything else is up to interpretation and leads to the fight going on itt right now.

although, this really would be a good start imo

Well you wouldn’t talk to me when I was trying to address this problem when we were mods together why the fuck do you want to start now?

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And now we’re into ‘is trump trying to take power’ territory. It ends this way every time with you.

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I’d say you should take care not to confuse someone ignoring your lying nonsense with victory, but we all know that’s a waste of breath. You’re undefeated as always, keep up the great work.

Because petty disagreements in the past should’t curtail future progress?

Of course, just like if Wookie was demodded by the rotating mods rule everything would magically be fine. Don’t you remember how peaceful things got once that happened?


The community is even more fucked than before cuse became mod because his boorish and non-conciliatory approach to moderation has alienated even more neutrals and driven them off.

Maybe he sees them as collateral damage in his quest to rid the community of people who he doesn’t like and who don’t respect his overarching determination to wield Henry VIII powers.

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Citation needed.

not speaking for Keed, but think his point is that not posing the “end game” question to both sides (if it’s fair to describe it this way) is contributing to the divisiveness and perpetuates the narrative of one side bad, other side good.

Edit: above mod post “answer” your question illustrates the point

You had zero respect for me back when we were co-mods together and certainly didn’t have any interest in my thoughts and perspectives, I don’t imagine that’s changed. To me that’s not a petty disagreement.

rip ripdog

Right on. Sorry about that. Hope you don’t hold grudges like this in real life. I guess I’ll pose the question to someone that doesn’t have animosity towards me.