About Moderation

Soccer and football are both super compelling and anyone who can’t enjoy both is really missing out.

The euro snobs are pretty funny though. Sir, I have seen 2006 Italy play, fuck off with the pure beautiful game.

You’re a goalie. Maybe you’re better as a goalie than I was as an AM, I don’t know, but gtfo with this nonsense. GK indeed, lol

You seem to be taking that post seriously, which errrr good for you jal.

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I forgot I muted About Unstuck until the log popped up for some reason. Caught up and NMNM is fucking amazing. Bravo all.




Not sure people are paying you much attention since you stopped being a mod and no longer post wife crack pics.

Just my impression.

Another incredible contribution from you, thank you for bringing kindness to our little slice of the Internet as always.


Wait I’m making a list of people, places, and things you have muted so we can all be kept abreast of the situation.

  1. About Unstuck

  2. __


Glad you were so concerned about all the kindness expressed to me and my drinking, mental health, and poor dad problems. Johnny on the spot here though. So very kind yourself sir.

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Holy shit you’re so fucking mad. Jal, buddy, get out in the world for a bit. The fact that you seamlessly pull out internet drama from years and beyond is just sad dude.

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Dewd the wife crack pics were more recent than your callback on Jals “origin” so glass houses and all…

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Lol, no, Frezi continues to bring up and battle for his god-given right as an Englishman to use language that denigrates women in the other half of the world. The controversy certainly did not end when the word was censored.


Should have just let him and hide posts as appropriate.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Or they should have just grown up a little and stopped feigning outrage at the ■■■■ word when they;re fine with it said on TV…

honestly all the problems in this forum for the past few years can be summed up by uncle walt over there talking about boomer memes after breaking out that most interesting man template


Calling all Russian’s orcs is just common sense.

Feel free to quote one post of mine where I’ve done this.