About Moderation

One of these days, 6ix will make a post that is something other than expressing exasperation that someone does not see things the way he does without explaining how he sees things so that others might understand, but today is not that day.



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At least for CFB Championship. I need some big twelve support.

otatop, please unban AQ.

I replied to this already in the SPE thread but want to add to it. I think this is the more appropriate thread for the discussion. My reply there was that withholding content is one way of pressuring forum authority.

What I want to add is that I strongly disagree that a member’s posting content is a reasonable factor in moderation decisions. Of course there are boundary conditions, but in general, treating all long-time members equally is optimal.

@otatop The circumstance leading to AQ’s ban was partially exacerbated by your misunderstanding of an obscure software behavior. It’s been four days. Please lift the ban.

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If bad posting is to be punished, is treating them equally punishing them proportional to number of bad posts or proportional to percentage of posts that are bad? Different methods can seem fair from different perspectives.

I’ll consider it but since he made the choice to immediately lie about me him after I warned that continuing to lie about me would lead to a ban I’m not exactly eager to welcome him back to further lie about me.

The forum isn’t about you


There’s no such thing as “bad/good posting”. The whole concept started as a joke, a joke I think is pretty funny but also pretty heavy-handed (without being overbearing), to the point that I would not have guessed anybody would be confused.

Like, the joke prompt might read, “pretend you don’t know subjectivity, opinions, and taste exist, like, as concepts; now try to express this in an amusing way, being both subtle and heavy-handed at the same time.”


Lol, people must think I’m fucking around when I’ve said that this could’ve all been knocked out in an afternoon:

I get it NBZ, you’re accidentally reinventing the wheel because you’re assuming this had to have not been discussed, because if it had it would’ve been knocked out in an afternoon (i’ll be fair and say that ‘in an afternoon’ might be a slight exaggeration). I’m probably doing the same with shit I’ve posted the past couple months after being away for so long.

Turns out it’s not that easy!

Imagine if we had started banning every poster who ‘lied about’ other posters.

Imagine further making a post implying that this rule has been and is a thing lol.


My point is that I’m setting the stage for one last quixotic push to fix the moderation rules.

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it is now. That’s what aggressive moderation always does. Causes bad feelings on both sides and personalizes conflicts and entrenches sides.

Or maybe we just need a few more weeks-long bans, that’ll solve everything.

I like this explanation. This way I’m not responsible for any of my actions. It’s the mods fault!

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I would like to say I’ve been bullied by 6ix, I said I was jealous of his intellect and since then he called me a velvet brain, NPC, a bot, I’m struggling hard right now. Not sure where to go with this. My feelings of self esteem are really low

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Hold your head up. You are by far the sexiest velvet-brained bot on UP.

I mean it sounds so nice, like red velvet cupcakes, who doesn’t like red velvet cupcakes?! Bix?

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I’m convinced @6ix is a completed troll bot sent from the metaverse to disrupt supply chain patterns, please correct me if I’m wrong

Not really sure what level this post is on, but if it’s being sincere, I think you’re awesome. You’re a fantastic photographer and I love all your posts of travel photos. You’ve made actual valuable contributions to the quality of this site, way more than six. Cheers.