About Moderation

Wild shit, that’s how hard all this goes in one direction and one direction only, always.

Why would we not be friends? I hope that is a joke?

Me saying you are wasting your time, which i presume is valuable, on this shit is not an insult.

I mean @6ix and others I don’t really disagree with you? I’ve said it myself. We don’t really need moderation or at most nearly none?

Beating the same drum for this whole time hasn’t done anything but alienate some. We are only enemies in our own minds.

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If anyone wants to know why i have been pissed about all this for the last year and a half it’s because people i did think respected me sat around and had a pm discussion about how i was a mod bootlicker and the like.

I also care about this place. The last thing i wanted was to see it split into 2 or 3 or more.

I mean I like to think i have made “friends” here like @6ix and @joh(fuck he anoned) and lots more. I care about most people here. I think people here are mostly good people.

I’ve mostly stopped posting because of the feuding. The bullshit. The fucking insanity.

I mean this place should have been an oasis from the insanities of the real world. Instead it has become the same or worse. If I wanted to go argue with uncle frank i would have gone to a family thanksgiving since 2018.


More the first sentence than the second, the one I quoted. You willfully (i’m assuming) misunderstood everything I said in order to laugh(able) at me. It’s fine, I’m just making an observation about what transpired.

Obviously I wasn’t “equating anything you (I) could do here to anything that might actually make a difference” and I don’t see how it could be construed that way unless one was trying to shoehorn in an insult.

Every night I think “lol ok there’s no way this is gonna have this much staying power, there’s no way i’m gonna wake up and this shit is still gonna captivate my interest” but then I wake up and bam. To use some internet-speak I think has been neglected for awhile, the thread(s) keep delivering!

Fair enough.

There are people who have spent the last 18 months hurling insults at their forum enemies about how not left they were based on xyz.

I will agree that hasn’t been what you have posted and I am sorry if it felt pointed at you because i replied to your post. It was mostly a general observation about the harshest UP critics.

Yeah, the last 18 months (give or take you know what I mean) I’ve spent with you (and the discord) doing NFTs and crypto and shit! That was the point of that second long post I made tonight. I only logged on here, UP, maybe once and on NMNM maybe twice.

And yet I’ve had people say directly to me that I’ve spent the last year and a half destroying this forum. The most recent being last night! There’s no way a person can say some shit like that and expect it to not pique my interests. And every day there’s some balls to the wall thing being said.

Like, right now (actually when you posted, so earlier) I was playing poker, looking at the crypto charts, and ___ where that blank would be ordinarily be filled with a book or show. But no show or book matches this, like, it’s not even close.

I’m at the point where I think dudes like @CS04 are actual bots. Like, at one point the traffic was dying so somebody just programmed up a bunch of them. I mean, it took less than a half dozen posts for it to lose the ability to structurally form a paragraph.

No, this isn’t a well-dressed insult. I’m actually literally serious. It might mean I’m insane, who knows.

But like, how can you expect me to go back to boring ass books when I’m getting the chance to do actual turing tests I mean come on.


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One of these days, 6ix will make a post that is something other than expressing exasperation that someone does not see things the way he does without explaining how he sees things so that others might understand, but today is not that day.



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At least for CFB Championship. I need some big twelve support.

otatop, please unban AQ.

I replied to this already in the SPE thread but want to add to it. I think this is the more appropriate thread for the discussion. My reply there was that withholding content is one way of pressuring forum authority.

What I want to add is that I strongly disagree that a member’s posting content is a reasonable factor in moderation decisions. Of course there are boundary conditions, but in general, treating all long-time members equally is optimal.

@otatop The circumstance leading to AQ’s ban was partially exacerbated by your misunderstanding of an obscure software behavior. It’s been four days. Please lift the ban.

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If bad posting is to be punished, is treating them equally punishing them proportional to number of bad posts or proportional to percentage of posts that are bad? Different methods can seem fair from different perspectives.

I’ll consider it but since he made the choice to immediately lie about me him after I warned that continuing to lie about me would lead to a ban I’m not exactly eager to welcome him back to further lie about me.

The forum isn’t about you