META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

Like, you really thing Ked isn’t mature and self-actualized enough to have this said to him,

and not go, “Whew! At least that’s cleared up and to be honest I’m a little relieved some of these dudes think I suck.”

It’s also why people think they’re snagging me in some sick gotcha when they tell me how insulting I am at times. Like, I lack self-awareness and am shrouded in layers of dishonesty and bullshit? No, it’s simple, I don’t like you (the hypothetical you), I don’t respect you, we’re not friends, we’re not going to be friends. Like wat, grow the fuck up and be glad. If I’m such a terrible shitty pos you should be glad, it means you’re doing something right, right?

Sure maybe I’m misremembering. Or maybe you’ve conveniently blocked out the reactions you received from defending people far worse than even Greenwald over there. Just a shocker that you and Case Closed haven’t changed this raised by wolves act since 2009.

I don’t know did you?

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Again, you know best

Ok, no, I didn’t. Was pretty sure I hadn’t. You’re a main character.

I’m a fan of Keeed but he refused to take the L on the GG stuff and that’s why he became the main character in that thread. Seemed fine to me

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“You must be lying and trolling about this bothering you cuz we were waaaayyy shittier to you back in the day and you acted like it didn’t bother you!”

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I don’t think he’s lying, I think he sincerely bought into the narrative.

Is this the same clovis8 who wrote passionately only a week or so ago about reconciliation and moving forward?

“You must be lying and trolling have been hoodwinked and bamboozled about this bothering you cuz we were waaaayyy shittier to you back in the day and you acted like it didn’t bother you!”

Similar spirit. He might’ve hoodwinked and bamboozled me after being hoodwinked and bamboozled himself.

You also had people like Goof Baller following me around and demanding that I defend every single take Greenwald ever had. But the problems I had with the way people were treating me goes beyond the Greenwald thread. Really it didn’t have very much to do with me at all, it was how the acceptable discourse continually narrowed and this viewpoint window was enforced with taunts and throttles and bans and demands to shut your dumb fucking mouth. I think the big turning point for me was when Mr. Wookie imposed a 24 hour throttle on the covid origins thread and banned me for a day for having the wrong opinion in his mind.


Do you think I’m lying about this:

I quit the forum for a few months before the Captains were even a thing. Impressive they were able to convince me without even interacting with me, and when I honestly thought most of those guys disliked me. And several of them actually did until they got to know me better.

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It’s indisputable that moderation itself was a source and amplifier of many problems, and that Wookie’s bad faith abuse of his mod powers was particularly egregious and set the tone for others eg meb, potato and finally cuse, as well as giving him the tool to express against others projection of his own racism.

Nope, I agree that the throttles were dumb and that the overton window narrowed excessively here.


A play in three acts.

The setup
MrWookie refuses to step aside for the good of the community, declaring “An anti-Captain never goes down without the ship!”

The Confrontation
jmakin takes a brief break from creepy staking and threatening victor in order to abuse sacred community trust and publicize private messages.

The conclusion
Cuse vows to bring peace through fairness but springs a trap on the enemies and eventually opts to libel the site’s favorite and most respected and trusted member and then disappear to form SPE.


Well if you agree that the UPerton window narrowed drastically here then I don’t think there’s much left to talk about. Maybe I wasn’t treated that much worse on 2+2 but when I’m treated poorly more often because the acceptable discussion topics have shrank so I’m called a stupid fucking idiot who should shut his fucking mouth more often, well…then the downside of posting here became worse and the upside also became worse. And this was all apparent to me before anyone ever heard of the Captains.


Where we disagree apparently is that I don’t think getting banned for a day or dealing with an annoyingly enforced throttle is an acceptable excuse for a concerted, united effort to shit on the forums for 2 years straight.


I’m getting some major Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead vibes from this thread.



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I agree and I don’t think I’ve done that. A couple of three captains probably fit that description, I’ll certainly concede that.


Wait lol wasn’t that the one where they were saying a lab-leak was totes racist and the non-racist take was them nasty ass bat soup chinamans?