About Moderation

Deleting threads isn’t something that’s logged as far as I know, it’s a log of “key” moderator actions not every minor thing we do here.

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Here’s the original post that was edited to the above after it was merged into this thread

AQ deleted it in this thread, I undeleted it to quote it.

The point of the log is for transparency, so that people can look there instead of asking what happened. A user is temp-banned, a thread is locked…I think it’s good to make mods log these actions, partly because they should explain why, even if they think it’s obvious why, and to encourage mods to log too many actions rather than not enough.

Otatop is lying. He told AngryQueer the thread could stay if it was turned into something positive. Then he deleted it.

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This is horseshit and also not jman220. I’m assuming this is the same user who registered a “potatoislying” account that I deleted, just like i’m going to delete this one.

Your response – locking that thread and banning AQ for a week, after already having locked several AQ threads – is indeed a wild power trip. Unban him and take it easy, please.

The threads locked themselves when the posts in them were merged into this thread.

In the thread itself or via PM?

That account has been deleted so it won’t be replying to you but this is everything I’ve PM’d to AQ in the past ~2 weeks

And this was the entire text of the thread that was deleted.

I didn’t reply to the thread or tell AQ anything about it.

He’s literally lying so he can call me a liar.

Quit jaqing off. The moderator has been more than patient and the poster was asking to be sidelined (banned, muted, whatever).

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I just recently had a post flagged in the COVID thread. Now, I’m sure no one is going to believe me, but I don’t actually care that it was flagged. Anyone who wants to can read it and flagging almost makes it less likely to be scrolled past.

However, I am curious about the flagging process. Does it just take one poster to flag a post for it to be hidden from view? If not what does it take. Also, is there a process for a post to get unflagged. What is that?

Congrats! You’re the latest target of a proud non-reading moron who couldn’t get past the first few words before hitting the flag.

The answer to your questions is a) unknown algos dependent on the flagger’s success rate in flagging other posts and b) don’t know.

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0% chance that’s what happened. But ok jal, you got to stir up as much shit as possible about this incredibly minor thing.

There’s some sort of system where flags get hidden based on the trust level and flag accuracy (whether mods agree) of the posters doing the flagging. The post can be unhidden if a mod disagrees with the flag.

You’ll also get the same kind of note if a mod approves a flag.

I don’t know the answer to your question, but after reading your post I’m wondering if the flagger mistook your post (“you just lie”) as a personal attack against the person you were replying to.

This interpretation may be too charitable but in this season of giving and family and community, I want to believe. :grinning:

Of course that’s what happened, if the vigilant post reporter and stalwart moderator had actually read the entire post and taken a few seconds to understand what was written then the clear meaning would have been understood. But they both stopped reading at “You just lie”. Pretty hilarious actually.

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I’m not sure it’s that clear cut. I don’t remember exactly when or who was involved but there was at least one episode where there was serious hand-wringing and consternation about the idea of lying to health care providers in order to get a vaccine you were not technically eligible for.

I thought it was possible the flag was reflecting this kind of sentiment but I have no idea. Obviously flagging for either reason is dumb.


People lie to doctors all the time, hiding that post because it was bringing up the possibility of lying to a doctor is even dumber than just reading the first three words of the post and mashing the post report button. I suppose its possible though.

I see the moderator liked your post, I suppose he could tell us which it was. Not holding my breath though.