Moderator Nominations: 6 month term beginning 1/1/23

Churchill is not banned but you’re right, I missed 6ix in the sea of Rons. I wasn’t asking in a snarky way I just genuinely thought you were the only person with an unusually long ban.

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What exactly is the point of Max’s three month ban, anyway? It’s literally the Bender detention scene in Breakfast club but without Vice Principal Vernon’s moment of self doubt afterwards.

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Look, I don’t know why CW banned Max for 7 months but mods undoing other mods’ actions has never really worked out here so I’m not going to step into that trap.

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back the blue

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I’m not saying I agree with it, I’m saying that there should be a poll to overturn it not just MODWARS.

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Yet another post where I can’t tell if you’re stupid or lying

That’s different tho. It’s okay to reverse mod action if it’s SK. :roll_eyes:

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Well to be fair to otatop he might have included tilted’s unilateral reversal of my 14 hour ban on cuse as having not worked out. I think that’s true, it didn’t work out.

I always forget that one. I was referencing at least a half dozen others.


Why? Is it because you’re embarrassed?

I’d be embarrassed lol but I’m surprised you guys have shame.

Forum would obviously have wanted me to be lifetime at the time I was voted in. It was clear I was going to be the best mod UP had ever seen and I believe the campaign to end mod terms was solely started to get me that lifetime appointment.

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Looking at Tim’s candidacy :thinking:

I think this thread was more about Timmy having a grudge against Yuv for reasons unclear at the moment.

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That said,

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Any updates? I’m concerned about @otatop 's wild power trips and wondering what your response is to that

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Shut up, Jesus.