About Moderation

We could have had an elonbot. But for some reason which I really dont understand, apparently we were so collectively awful to Goofy that he left.

This didnt seem to result in any pause for reflection.


lol Goof baller acted like a total asshole to certain people, including myself, for literally years. I tried to ignore the guy, with varying amounts of success. Acting like he’s some innocent victim is absurd. But of course the time for reflection isn’t when mystery conman left, or when johnny truant left, or when microbet left, or when rexx left, or nunnhi left, but when one of the most abrasive and combative posters leaves.


The fact that someone who modded here for a while wants to believe that goofy was anything other than a continually abusive and shit stirring poster says it all about the problems here.

But he wrote a bot so let’s forget all that.


One captain most certainly did, yes, and it was because of Forum Wars. But we can’t talk about that!

I’ve been posting with goofy since SSNL days in like 2005, and damn I’ve gotten heated with him more than a few times and made fun of him even more. Describing him as abusive and shit stirring poster is fucking laughable, especially coming from you. The next time you contribute something unique and meaningful to the forum will be the first. The only memorable attribute you have is to stay mad about something like being told your complaint about smell or whatever that stupid shit was is racist. Your ability to hold grudges is the only unique thing about you.

This is true… to a point. Churchill yesterday posted something from a well known anti-vax YouTuber supported by a well known anti-vaxx and anti-Trans twitter accounts.

I don’t see any reason to give him the benefit of the doubt, and that shit shouldn’t be accepted here, but it is because Jalfrezi lied about what Churchill did to the people who want less moderation so he co-opt his complaints about Wookie and the like. It’s fucking pathetic.

Meanwhile, I’m supposed to just accept [redacted] that I can’t even talk about because of [redacted]. Really solid work.


In the mid 90’s, progenitors were dropping templates that would stand the test of time for the next 30 years+. Even as a mix, this fits right in as far as sheer influence.

Equally enjoyed by midwest stoners and uptown professionals. Vol 1 is really good too. Leans into the house aesthetics a bit more than this one.

Play this at your next social gathering; it never disappoints.

The healing power of this immense.

This might come as a shock to you and MaxcutPerusing, but there are longtime members who were driven off who are not Jman and Goofy, don’t really fall into the Forum Wars category, and also aren’t fortunate enough to post on NMNM and thus qualify for Yuv’s list. Maybe consider not “othering” or erasing them.

Combining posts since we’re throttled - the distinction here is that [redacted for wichita] he provided a ton of content and value to this place aside from the shit-stirring (and even aside from the bots).


You’re kind of rant mumbling here and no one has a clue what you’re so angry about. Take 5?

You said it.

For all the people finally reflecting on the site because they miss Goofy- I’m sure if he’s posting elsewhere then he’ll tell you if you message him on discord. Dude posted constantly (and largely good and substantive content imo) for almost 20 years so it’d be surprising if he’d whole heartedly stopped because of this. Also maybe people should learn how to program bots if they’re only learning goofy is gone because the bots are?


Sure I’d be happy to but I honestly don’t have any idea who you’re talking about. It isn’t easy to remember everyone who’s posted here or if they left or why they left. Of course I remember my friends better than people who I haven’t seen post in years or months. That’s not “othering” that’s just not remembering.

That’s true and everyone has different experiences with posters. But the context here is this post started this discussion:

I don’t know why Goof Baller left but this retelling of events ignores the obvious truth that he was one of the most committed Forum War Guys here.

So refute it in a non asshole way if you can and move on. Or even im an asshole way. I disagree it needs to be purged. If your argument is better it will be enough.

I agree with 6. This is a discussion forum.


So your plan is… 4chan? Ok then, that’s worked out well everywhere.

It’s also interesting, as several of these people complaining about people being run off or talk about less bannings wanted me permanently banned. It’s all bullshit.


lol ikes who the hell wants you banned? Literally no one. Many people are saying you suck, don’t know anyone who says you should be banned.

I mean Trolley Trollson was bigly worried about you showing up but that was years ago.


No my plan is not 4chan? How much child porn or other 4chan adjacent stuff has been posted here?

Come on.

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Ikes the only people who’ve ever wanted you banned are now all fully on your team.

Like Wookie.


Enemy of my enemy

A big chunk of you literally voted for meb to be mod because you thought he was going to permanently ban me. Funny how selective y’all’s memory gets. It’s tough to tell where you voted, as you’ve deleted your account what, 3 times? But jal voted for that. Micro talked about wanted me permad a ton. @AngryQueer voted for that thinking I was going to be perma’d too IIRC that he was NoMatterWho.

So is the line child porn adjacent her and everything else has to be dealt with? Think posting anti-vax anti-science from bigoted pieces of shit shouldn’t be tolerated. It does nothing to help discussion and makes everything worse.

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Why can’t you just refute it if you can? We really need the forum police here to protect you?

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