About Moderation (old original thread)

To make fun of you.

It’s a mystery.

edit: people this is sarcasm, churchill wasn’t made fun of. The NYT was.

And you’re a Dr? I think I know why the US health system is a tad third world. Are you are attentive to questions from patients? Q seemed reasonable IMO.

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Because doctors sometimes make fun of people saying stupid shit online? I don’t think that’s the reason churchill.

Dumb study


These data suggest that COVID vaccine hesitancy is associated with significant increased risks of a traffic crash. An awareness of these risks might help to encourage more COVID vaccination.

Seems utterly reasonable, and it’s interesting to see how people who can’t properly estimate risk have similar behavior regarding covid vaccinations and driving, both of which can cause harm to themselves and others. Maybe you should ask Nurse Dr John’s fan group about their other risky personal behaviors.

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great idea, not thought of that…

good breakdown of the issues of the study from Dr John…

Unvaccinated in Canada could not use, planes, trains, buses https://www.forbes.com/sites/sandrama… Also https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/wp-co… Vaccinated more likely to work remotely in Ontario in 2021 ‘Essential workers’ had lower vaccination rates (several pile ups in ice and bad weather) Over 65s do not commute So Staying at home reduces the chances of being in an accident Invalid title Patient in emergency department as a driver, passenger, or pedestrian (codes V00-V69) Total = 6,682 Drivers, 2,856 Passengers, 1,189 Pedestrians, 2,637 (Table 3 of the study) (Therefore, unvaccinated pedestrians more likely to be in an accidents that vaccinated pedestrians) People were considered unvaccinated for the first 14 days after vaccination Given the study only lasted a month, this is half of the time. So how many casualties were misclassified? If 602 of the 6,682 were misclassified, Any difference between the two groups would vanish (Igor Chudov) https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/the… Deaths at Scene Excluded 42 deaths at scene 8 deaths were included (550 people were actually admitted to hospital) Therefore 84% of death outcomes ignored This also excluded all sudden deaths that resulted in an accident What about people not in the system Dr Clare Craig https://twitter.com/ClareCraigPath/st… Unvaccinated typically underestimated Therefore Rate of incidence of anything overestimated in the unvaccinated Rate of incidence of anything underestimated in the vaccinated E.g. Covid cases, hospitalisations, deaths, car accidents Or indeed, anything else Forest plot In all subgroups the risk is increased by the same amount (possible systematic bias) Source data not available to public The study dataset is held securely in coded form at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES).

If you want to format that into something somewhat readable, I might read it.

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I could screenshot it but may get banned (again)

Oh god churchill this guy is a fucking moron and you’re still watching his bullshit?

Vaccines were available for a long time before the study period.

So how many casualties were misclassified? If 602 of the 6,682 were misclassified, Any difference between the two groups would vanish

lol some really fucking amazing analysis here. If things were completely different, it would be different!

Unvaccinated typically underestimated Therefore Rate of incidence of anything overestimated in the unvaccinated


Igor Chudov, another anti-vaxxer ! Clare Craig, another anti vaxxer!

Just complete and utter fucking garbage churchill, welcome back to the thread. We need the viewpoints of anti-vaccine clowns posted here.

come on now

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72% more likely to die in a car crash if unvaccinated?

The vaccine is damn good, I wouldn’t have had 4 otherwise, good to know it’s a miracle worker too.

Funny, I knew you’d defend that study - but that’s the only study i ever posted that you didn’t attempt to rip apart. Pure Disney stuff and you couldn’t find a hole in it? I don’t believe in Santa either (these days) but I’m all ears.

Some recent hits from Craig (either hers, or her retweets):






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Oh my fucking god you don’t understand how this shows correlation, not causation. I honestly had the thought “maybe churchill doesn’t understand how this is clearly a paper showing correlation” and thought “no way, they mention in the paper a bazillion times it’s an association and specifically posit how it might be related to risk taking behaviors in general”.

That’s on me for overestimating you Churchill. My bad. You never read the paper did you, and only watched the Nurse John video huh?

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Are you typing this from the bunkers of the Ukraine? They must be getting short of ‘real’ doctors out there by now.

omg stfu both of you. Nobody else cares about this shit or wants it in the forum.


No ZZ, they actually want this. They argued for it haaaaard. They got it, and the forum is worse because of it.

@moderators please make it stop


Reservoir, apparently…

Epidemiologist Wu Zunyou has said he believes the current spike in infections would run until mid-January, while the second wave would then be triggered by mass travel in January around the week-long Lunar New Year celebrations which begin on 21 January. Millions of people usually travel at this time to spend the holiday with family.

The third surge in cases would run from late February to mid-March as people return to work after the holiday, Dr Wu said.

I’m glad you screenshotted it.



I don’t think making fun of antivaxxers makes the forum worse. Allowing someone to post anti vaccine propaganda does though, and stanning for them is just weird