About Moderation

I mean it reads like parody or satire right? This is like an FYP I’d do to be insulting.

You get that he was making fun of goofy’s silly post, right?

And then somebody would say, “Lol 6ix that’s a good one but plz be srs, we’re trying to have a srs discussion. Nobody would ever actually post something like that sincerely.”

hard to figure out how anyone could confuse that given like 90% of his posts are attacks of some kind

My preferred outcome is that everyone just learns to get along and stop stirring up drama and dropping personal attacks left and right, so I plan on ~doubling the ban length each time. My hope is this will give people every opportunity to find ways to post constructively and to play nice.

(Unless there’s an egregious violation that warrants more than the next ban that’s due. So someone could go warning, 1 day, 2 weeks, 4 days.)


I hate to sound like a broken record, so please read and think more about the context before handing out bans.

This ban is ridiculous because jmakin called 6ix dumb but 6ix is the one banned for a week for saying calling him dumb is dumb.

I will make a cliff notes to give a trivial-to-follow summary.

Jmakin: 6ix is too dumb to understand the milgram experiment.
6ix: You would have to be dumb to call me dumb.
commonWealth: 6ix is banned for a week for a personal attack.

You’ve shown poor judgement so far. I’m glad econo was here to overrule your mistakes. Maybe we do need 8 mods.

thanks for reading my blog!

doing great buddy!

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i didnt call him dumb - I said he didnt understand it, which he clearly didn’t. stop calling 6 dumb!

Jmakin’s post was pretty polite and was also a valid discussion of the underlying topic. Meanwhile the last 100 or so posts in this thread have been absolutely fucking ridiculous. Like even putting the “new” moderation policy aside, there’s no way Six’s performance itt didn’t cross even the old really fucking lax line.

why was it not surprising to you given the person in question that he did not understand it?

he shows a history of not understanding the discussions he’s in. you guys are blatantly dishonest.

this is from team “it isnt an insult if it’s true”

i am not you guys and i haven’t written anything other than asking you a question.

oh, yea, everyone believes that one

Just an amazing performance here, two thumbs up

you are on thin ice to begin with your very badly veiled personal insults. i suggest you calm down.

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yea despite your ingenious usage of the quote function still dont see the word dumb in there


The absence of adult language does not make an insult “pretty polite”.

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wow nice threat! whats the consequence? gonna doxx me?