Log of Key Moderator Actions

In the interest of full disclosure, I’m the sad human being who flagged your last post @jmakin.

Suspending @jmakin 1 day for the series of posts starting around here:


Warning issued to @MrWookie for a personal attack.

Suspending @jmakin 2 days for referencing old drama:


Suspending @Jalfrezi for 1 day for referencing old drama:


(“Be kind” is a reference to drama from approx Jan of 2022.)

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@Churchill, @6ix, @jmakin and @Jalfrezi unsuspended as part of Thanksgiving amnesty program


Suspended @6ix one week for a personal attack:


Suspended @hokie 1 day for a post he deleted:


Which said:

I’m still working through the thread and there will be more coming shortly, so it’d be great if people held off on arguing about these.

Upon review…

@jmakin suspended 4 days for referencing old drama:

@Jalfrezi suspended 2 days for referencing old drama. He confirms his reference was to old drama by his reply to “who?” and I think most of us can easily figure out who he’s referencing:

@MrJbroRisen gets a warning for personal attacks and old drama for these posts:




Suspending @hokie for 2 additional days for circumventing his ban.

And 4 additinoal days for this personal attack:


At @hokie’s request, making it a 2-week cooling off ban before a permaban. Logging the above in case the permaban is declined at that point.

Gave @Lurker21 a warning for a personal attack.

@Jalfrezi and @jmakin unsuspended. This decision is based on my invitation to discuss one of my moderation decisions. The “old drama” rule is still in effect.

Suspended @MrJbroRisen 1 day for referencing old drama/trolling about old drama/trolling for mimicking Trolly’s past requests to people arguing to please stop/please don’t do this/etc. The poster who flagged this post provided those examples upon request, at which point I upheld the flag and took the action.


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Warned @forechecker for trying to stir shit up with a drive-by reference to drama in an unrelated thread.

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At the request of a user (and after giving other mods the opportunity to weigh in), I temporarily changed their username to @j8i3h289dn3x7 in order to keep it from being searchable on the web. Their avatar is the same so there’s no loss of identifiability for other users here, but people should refrain from using/referencing the old screenname until it changes back.

@goofyballer silenced for a day for spreading moderation arguments to threads outside of About Moderation

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Silenced @MrJbroRisen 2 days for referencing old drama/trolling about old drama.


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Silenced @anon59375068 1 day for referencing old drama.

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Suspended @jmakin 1 week for referencing old drama.

However, I also edited this lie out of @MrJBroRisen’s post:

Victor was never doxxed. This would also be a ban-worthy reference to old drama, but JBroRisen is already serving one.

MrJBroRisen’s trust level set to 0 to prevent him from sending abusive PMs such as referencing a user’s real name or things like



Banned @MrJbroRisen an additional 4 days for personal attacks on otatop in PM. Given that he’s now over the 4-day threshold he’s suspended instead of silenced.