About Moderation


@discobot roll 2d10.5

This ************* hates both of us now.

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Ok stop spamming the thread

A week is a long time in [Unstuck] politics.

if anything warning seemed unnecessary.


Not even close to Friday yet.

You haven’t factored in the holiday

Currently working out but I’ll look into that this afternoon. Looks like otatop already unbanned you. It appears I banned at least one other poster an extra day by mistake, too. Sorry about that.

Don’t worry about it, that’s no big deal. I believe there’s some sort of glitch on the end times of bans and silences.

The mistake was banning me (and cassette) for what you did and the bigger mistake was standing by it when it became clear I had a point.

Asking for the record to be more accurate is not relitigating the issue.

Yeah, just correct the record and move on.

If you had done that instead of insisting I’m a troll, there would likely have been almost no drama over it. Your warnings and bannings in this instance made it worse.

After having all this pointed out, you still insisted it was the correct action. Not listening and considering things fairly was the mistake.

I do apologize for the Cartman clip and hope you can understand that having a good deed punished can be frustrating. Ultimately, it was a small price to pay to finally have it satisfactorily fixed. Kudos and thank you to econophile for that.

Whether conscious of it or not, my suspicion is that mods are looking at what’s going on at Twitter with respect to moderation and feeling that is the opposite of what they want happening here.

…because UP, an obscure internet forum, is notoriously full of far right racists and conspiracy theorists?

Because some mods think both places have a troll problem, racist or not, conspiracy theorist or not. Is Twitter an example of how moderating less strictly leads to less trolling?

Twitter has a massive bot problem more than anything. Not seeing the same thing here and I doubt moderation can deal with that quantity anyway.

From what I’ve seen actual far right trolls are probably present in roughly the same proportions as in real life, or maybe even less.

From the perspective of posters who dislike your posting, Twitter and this place have the same problem of bad posting making the site site unreadable and not fun. They’re likely going to see both as requiring the same solution because they are open communities that anyone can join. Whether the bad posts are by bots or human trolls, they will want to delete bad posts and ban bad posters. They’re going to look at (most of) our shared experience of things like Unchained as example of what they are trying to avoid.

The fact we are having this conversation is testament to softer modding.

But I’ve always understood why I have posts hidden and why I’ve eaten temp-bans. CW’s warning and temp-bans have been very predictable. I would have preferred implementing the new policy with a week or two grace period of just warnings, with all warnings logged and quoted, because I think some people here are slow learners (or perhaps perfidious about their ability to understand), but whatever.

I don’t really care about harder vs softer modding. I just want transparent modding with clear rules and policies. I can always adapt and make my meaning clear. If I were in charge of moderation, maybe I would do it differently, but I also don’t want to be a mod.

Most can adapt to suit new modding rules. The question is what will the forum be like?

If the last few days since everything calmed down are any indication, the answer is “pretty good.”