About Moderation

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot display help

I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}

Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message. {name-of-tutorial} can be one of: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers. — Thich Nhat Hanh

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

@discobot roll 4d12

:game_die: 4, 12, 7, 9

1 Like

Lol, OK. Start an RFC to make every Post Flag public and see what you find! It’ll be fun for everyone.

1 Like

Fuck Yeah!

@discobot roll 62d100

I only have 20 dice. Shameful, I know!

:game_die: 33, 57, 63, 11, 45, 10, 55, 77, 73, 34, 15, 26, 35, 1, 52, 46, 16, 60, 64, 59

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you. — Jean-Paul Sartre

@discobot, what is love?


@discobot make me some breakfast.

Wow I got ghosted by the bot, rude.



@trumpbot Start Insurrection

@elonbot Destroy Twitter.

@discobot roll 1d1

:game_die: 1