About Moderation (old original thread)

No that’s ok no need for a ban. Just don’t delete your post please.

I’ll get SenorKeeeded if I do.

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No you’re playing for the right team so you can do whatever you want.

The untethered thing must be new. Glad to hear it. “Leakers” we’re being purged last I was there.

Inactive accounts were removed. You rage quit before anyone could respond to you.

Btw, how did you know that someone removed had been leaking info from the discord?

It’s cute that you even talk like your boss now. Hopefully he’ll toss you some more scraps.

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I’m basing this on what you told me in our PMs about this.

Edit: there was also tons of stuff on UP about it.

Wait meb was PMing about stuff like this?

Cassette PM’d me and I responded to him explaining why users were removed from the discord. I won’t comment further than that because I don’t want to drag someone else into this who hasn’t been posting in any of the about unstuck threads, but cassette can confirm that as true.

Cassette can also confirm I told him in that pm we were all sorry he left and wanted to extend an invite for him to come back.

I always liked the discord because it was mostly free of the UP bullshit and if UP stuff got brought up too often there was plenty of pushback to keep the discord to crypto only


No one who actually participated in the discord was removed. Describing it as a purge seems odd. I think lots of us, myself included, were disappointed you quit over that cassette.

Booting people from the Discord was pretty clearly retaliation for leaking meb’s mod plans. Having said that, I don’t care all that much and this seems like an absurd venue to complain about their moderation policies.

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Ironically the only discussion of people “leaking” anything in the discord was someone bringing up you trolling me for shorting $APE. So no, that isn’t what happened.

I am on the record as being against the bans so not saying this to defend meb but he wasn’t exactly secretive about his plan. He said it over and over here. As near as I can tell it wasn’t discussed in the discord other than meb mentioned it in passing once.

Again, he said a select group of trouble makers from both sides would be 10 year banned. That’s NOT what he did, and people should stop pretending that it is.

My point was that you told me users were banned for more than inactivity. Same as I said here. I don’t really want to drag out this conversation. I respect what you guys have there and I don’t want to cause discord drama.

I know I am a bootlicker but I agree with you? My point is there wasn’t some grand discord conspiracy to get meb elected and then for meb to do this? It literally wasn’t discussed more than meb posting it one time and people here are pretending it was something more than that to rile people like you up when they literally have access still to the discord. I myself went back and looked through it this morning before I posted any of this. Yuv for example can still go back and look at what was actually posted in the discord about it.

How long where you on discord before you got booted? Like 2 or 3 weeks? Seems weird to categorize you as not participating. Especially since it was clear that you were reading based on some info that you posted here. Oh damn, I think I found the problem they had with you! It actually had nothing to do with you not participating. Imagine that!

Since you failed to understand why I’m making some of these points, let me make it clear that I fully support the right for discord members/leaders to run the forum any way they choose.

The timing of the account removals wasn’t coincidental.

But whatever, people should take their Discord moderation complaints with the Discord guys.

The person who deleted trolly’s account didn’t even know that happened. That discussion came later. Again this is all verifiable by several people you would trust here.

This is the public post I made that you objected to.

This is from my PM response to you.

Yes, people who weren’t even in the discord publicly posting things from it made some members think about things from an opsec perspective and want to remove lurkers given the amount of information shared there on topics that are basically never related to this site, as you and other members are fully aware. That does not mean it was retaliatory in nature, which is what I tried to explain to you and asked you to return.