New Moderator Confirmation Votes

If anything it shows lack of bias in my decision making on this topic.

And lack of judgement imo.



The memes have been good.

That is all.


You can’t anymore LMFAO. What’s posted on Discord stays on Discord!

The person who setup the discord went through and removed inactive accounts. The only accounts removed were people who had been there for months and never posted a single message or hadn’t posted there in 6+ months.

If someone who wanted to be an active participant there was removed, they are welcome to reach out to ask about being admitted again, but ultimately the discord is for active members who want to contribute in a positive way there.

I’m wondering why you’re upset about this?

Upset? Not sure why you think I’m upset. I’m actually ecstatic about it. Especially considering all the talk here in the past about how valuable this site is to lurkers and that’s why they should be able to vote, etc. I mean just because they were not posting doesn’t mean they were not benefiting tremendously from all the value of THE GREATEST XYZ THREAD IN THE UNIVERSE. So yeah I’m not sure why all the lurkers on Discord had to be removed suddenly after a few posts about Discord were made on UP, but please be sure that I am fucking loving it.

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The discord is not this site. It is not meant to have value to lurkers. There are no votes that take place there. There are several members of the discord who are not members of this site. The people who actively participate in the discord are not interested in having people there who add no value to the community and only use it as a way to attempt to stir up shit elsewhere.

That last part is probably a lesson that this site should take too.

Bad news for our friend Ron from Tucson!

I don’t get this reference, so I’m assuming this is some argument from a year or two ago. People on here seriously need to learn to let shit go.

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FWIW, I assumed it wouldn’t be an issue to share what’s on the Discord over here since that venue has always been open to anyone and it seemed relevant to the voting going on over here. I seem to have been recently taken off the channel, so sorry if I ruffled any feathers over there.


Some people could only join if they properly genuflected to goofy, so I wouldn’t exactly consider that to be open to anybody.

Was this discussed first with active participants? Or did goofy make the call per the usual?

It’s also funny worrying about lurkers considering the troll campaign launched over there to get 7 elected mod here, a place 7 actually hates and doesn’t even participate, probably barely lurks. So at discord lurkers deserve to be banned, while at UP discord members make infrequent lurkers into mods! That was certainly not meant to stir up any shit, no sir!

Also, I heard you named at least CaffeineNeeded over there as a target for one of your 10 year bans in your pilot program to make UP great again. Why would you name him over there and not over here? Why are you talking about UP over there and participating in troll campaigns launched over there? Seems like stirring up shit to me.

This is largely a mischarachterization, likely based on someone who is a lurker not understanding the joking nature of a lot of the conversation that happens there.

Also, should be noted that likely less than 1% of the conversation on the discord is related to UP, and there is an effort being made to reduce that to as close to zero as possible.

We have a super positive community over there, that has fun discussing a wide range of topics on the discord. It’s something I hope we are able to replicate here.

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I completely get the joke about making 7 mod here. I thought it was very funny and very well played. It’s kind of taking a dump on UP, which from my perspective is admirable, but seems kind of odd from the perspective of very positive people just trying to make UP great again.

And your idea to ban CN is brilliant. I guess I need to change my vote yet again, I’m sold! I just hope it’s not an empty promise.

FWIW, I was someone who was interested in seeing what was going on in the two UP satellite communities (that I know about). One community insta-vetoed my request, but the Discord group immediately welcomed me in despite my having no understanding of NFTs and nothing to contribute (and I didn’t have to genuflect to anyone, lol). Anyway, the UP stuff is basically all I can understand over there and I can confirm it appears to be like 0.01% of the app, is ignored by most, and is not shit-talky at all. (In fact, most of it is “can we please leave UP stuff at the door? k thanks”).


I always find it funny when jbro or JT would give goofy all the credit for the discord here when it was active for like a month or more before he even joined? He didn’t set it up, it’s not his thing

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One community doesn’t pretend to be open to anybody, it’s not. Ban lusters are not welcome. People who stole from our friends are not welcome. But good news, lurkers who pass these two tests are free to join!

I’m just talking about who’s calling the shots and has been for a long time. I know Josh started it and is still the figurehead but I also know that he takes direction from goofy. Goofy even posted that here on UP.

Heh, this sounds like a place where I wouldn’t understand anything either.

But anyway, I was just trying to correct a mischaracterization (based on what I can glean, at least. It’s true that given how much of the lingo I can understand, they could very well be Jan6 Capitol tourists).


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