About Moderation (old original thread)

All the members of discord had access to it. And that information was then shared here as well. And meb hasn’t disputed it has he? @anon29622970 did you name CN to your ban list on discord?

Did you learn how to play this technicality and minutia game from Goofy?

Maybe it was deleted like the big post all about UP and RiverMan? Also, just taking a wild guess here, but maybe discord has PMs?

If it was posted here, can you quote it?

I have no interest in a crypto discord. I’m not that into crypto. I wouldn’t go join some group of people who I don’t like or talk about things I’m not interested in.

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Look I’d love to believe you but we’re really going to need a full publication of the Discord to assuage legitimate fears that it’s being used to coordinate the destruction of this website, and even then posters will probably claim that things were deleted.


Damn, beaten to the punch


Riverman has been shit talked plenty because he has repeatedly been an asshole in the crypto thread. Not sure that is suprising or proves much of anything considering an entire nft collection was made about it and he gets shit talked to his face.

I can confirm that CN was named as part of the ban list in Discord and also confirm that there is not a broader conspiracy on the Discord to harm UP, as far as I am aware


We’re gonna need your mother’s maiden name and all of your PMs made public to confirm this information.



I wonder if anybody in other forums ever think somebody has been an also repeatedly on UP? Probably never.

I’m not surprised you that you are now also trolling and deflecting.

Yeah, I can also confirm this.

I saw that meb mentioned on the Discord a plan to ban jal, church, and CN and was asking for other suggestions. There wasn’t much more to it than that, don’t even remember if anyone responded. It struck me as really obnoxious and cliquish behavior for meb to be open with his plans over there and opaque about them with the UP community as a whole. To be blunt, these mod-only conversations also seem toxic.

Other than that, no, they were not all sitting around plotting ways to troll UP or hatching conspiracies. Mostly they just post ITYSL memes at each other all day and talk crypto.

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Who cares?

Confirmed. Be honest, doesn’t this seem to confirm that everything I’ve been saying about why I reconsidered the original list of four people I was going to ban is me being honest and not some elaborate troll campaign devised to attack one “side”? You can disagree with me and want me demodded for a number of other reasons, but at least give me that so we can put that argument to rest.

Apparently people with a predilection for boot licking.

You can also confirm that i said in the case bans will be given to one side only i will reverse them and you said “that is fair”?

Because you keep claiming me unbanning jal and church came as a surprise that caused you to nuke their accounts as a last resort. It feels like a lie to me, as you should have known that will happen when i told you that will happen.

I don’t mind you posting that but I do want to mention that I was banned every time I did it.

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I don’t remember vic being on the list but my memory could be wrong. I suppose anyone still on the Discord could correct the record.

I didn’t call you a Proud Boy, I just referenced your use of the phrase like you were doing with CN and “no angel”. I’ll PM another mod to remember to give me a day off when my term ends.

Taking this “team”/“side” bullshit over to modding really sucks. This goes for you and meb and anybody else who seemed/seems to be doing horse trading over bans per “team”. Can only ban trolls if trolls from the other “team” get banned too? You’re a mod, go ban them yourself! Come on.

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