About Moderation (old original thread)

I’m taking your interpretation as saying I’m just screwing with people for fun. As opposed to what actually happened, where I took time to research who were the worst problem posters on the site and banned them. Including rethinking some of my own initial thoughts on who I would have chosen to ban.

I did? Where?

If you can’t produce a quote on your own to back that statement, it sure feels like you’re the one purposely trying to ruin this place.

Time for an admin nomination thread?

We can correct a long ago wrong here and nominate @beetlejuice

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Vote me in and I’ll publish every PM on this site. We can finally have equality among members and true transparency.

While we are at it, let’s just change the URL to that of the discord site.

It’s weird how people involved in super duper secret shit talking PMs assume that everyone else on the site is doing the same as them.


Let’s make all PMs public and see who is actually being truthful here.

Sounds good, here’s a sample from my PMs

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Only CN was named on meb’s black list.

I didn’t ask for a sample and I didn’t ask for just your PMs.

Yikes, those PMs. That’s some pretty venomous shit, JBro.

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Can you quote that?

I didn’t think I would get banned. I thought, and continue to think, that bad faith actors need to be banned. If I did get banned, I also knew my life would go on just fine, and UP would go on just fine as well.

My question is why did Jal vote when all of his buddies were ‘oh yeah he was always going to get banned’? The answer here, btw, is that they thought jal wouldn’t get banned or that they could manipulate another mod into undoing the ban. Most likely the latter. That’s why jbro refuses to answer that question.

Let’s see all of your PMs.

As mentioned like 10 times already, it was posted on discord where the rest of this troll was hatched.

Man it’s so weird how you keep having all this information that I and the forum at large don’t have access to, but accuse everyone else of withholding information

You seem paranoid. And maybe I’m naive, but the kind of nastiness you seem gifted at is really not normal, imo. Yet you seem to think it exists everywhere else in secret. What if it’s really just you?


Like, I’ve read your open posts on the forum. You can’t blame me for thinking that your PMs are probably even worse.

I went and looked and the last thing mentioned about UP in the discord was someone (not meb) who has discord mod powers basically saying that they want the discord completely untethered from UP drama. That was June 24th. Meb mentioned prior to that his intentions (which he also posted here and pmed to the other mods) one time. It wasn’t really discussed as near as i can tell.

This idea that there was a plot hatched on discord to make this happen is farcical. Hard to not see it as projection tbh.