About Moderation (old original thread)

Dw some people behaved well for a week after years of problems (that meb observed themselves and seemed to take more seriously than anyone). Farcical.


Apparently the limit was 22(?) temp bans by 7 different mods! Good to know.

Capricious mod overrules community vote for the luls. What a perfect encapsulation of why this forum sucks.


I guess keeed got ā€œcapriciousā€ in my head. Good word.

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itā€™s a perfectly cromulent word

Banning all the UK posters does seem to be reducing conflict. Reminds me of the good old days when women werenā€™t allowed on the golf course.

As a result of meb campaigning on this

and then immediate breaking his word by banning two users from the same ā€œteam,ā€ I have anonymized my ggoreo account as I refuse to post here while meb is still mod (though I might have to cave during the election).

Your plan is already a failure. You have increased the alienation one side as your very first act, pulling the community further apart, and effectively driving one of the groups off the forum. Iā€™m absolutely sickened by how you have just ensured the destruction of this forum that we created together.

I considered undoing the hundreds of hours Iā€™ve put into this place by temporarily removing all of the customizations Iā€™ve made to the site until July 1, 2032, but that youā€™ve already done enough damage here, by not only immediately going back on your word, but also permanently banning someone whom the community just voted not to permanently ban less than 5 weeks ago. Oh right, not permanently, just for 10 years. How clever!

@spidercab please de-admin this account


Iā€™m following this whole drama way, way less than most, so Iā€™m definitely not aware of all the details. But ā€œI changed my mindā€ seems completely ridiculous in this spot.

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meb discussed his bans with ALL current mods earlier in the week and told us who the ban candidates were, nothing has changed since then to target any ā€œsideā€.

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Who were the ban candidates?

Elections have consequences.

At least when Biden lies we get to call him a liar. MEB deleting posts calling him a liar in this thread. Not good!

I am sharing a PM I sent to all other current mods. I will never share any pm sent by another user, but I feel itā€™s fair to share my own.

This was sent yesterday morning.

Iā€™m not sure what your definition of criticism is, but this certainly isnā€™t happening.

Cool how youā€™re open about your mod plans in this mod-only pm thread and the crypto discord but not with the actual UP community.


If things were logged in the moderation thread then we wouldnā€™t be jumping to conclusions I guess. One of the other mods is making you look really bad.

Have you deleted any posts in this thread that could be characterized as negative towards you or your actions?

Iā€™ve deleted two posts that contained personal attacks. I will continue to do so. Criticism without personal attacks is always fair.

Calling you a lying coward is criticism, not a content-free personal attack.