About Moderation (old original thread)


i have no interest in continuing here and my next step is to request the @staff respectfully to please permanently delete the jmakin account.

I have very reasonable reasons for this:

  1. this siteā€™s TOS explicitly states that I own my own content. I produced quite a bit of stuff here, particularly my blog, that I am proud of and want to rehost elsewhere. Iā€™m not entirely comfortable with any of it existing here. if something Iā€™ve written can be deemed important enough to keep (lol) then it can be anonymized I guess, but for the most part Iā€™d like that account obliterated so I can rehost my content somewhere else.

  2. my pmā€™s and personal info. like many of you I have personal info almost certainly in my pmā€™s. worst part is I cant even go back and check anymore. I have strong reasons to not trust the staff or potential future staff going forward, so, if a nuke isnt possible, Iā€™d at least like access to my account so that I can go through it all.

Please let me know @staff if any of this is possible.

Your account was unbanned this morning according to the log of key moderator actions, by @otatop

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ah woops. ty.


I think youā€™ve done this in the past. I realize you donā€™t have admin powers anymore, but if you could let me know how to do it, Iā€™ll take care of this.

I donā€™t think heā€™s ready to make that request. I donā€™t want to speak for him here, but he just said that was his next step. Iā€™d hold off on the nuking here.

Itā€™s (theoretically) very simple, itā€™s just a single button to click, but in my experience the button requires many, many clicks to work. There also used to be a limit on how many posts could be deleted by mods that had to be increased by an admin, that may have been increased enough already but if not is another tweak an admin will need to make.

TY greg. for now, can you remove TL3 from this account? I dont want to see the private forum and I dont see a need, someone else had mentioned ā€œanyone above tl1 can sabotage the siteā€ and Iā€™m like uhh, ok, dont know why that is but I dont need above TL1 I think.

if itā€™s ok Iā€™ll finish what I need to do by friday. lmk if that works for you guys

Youā€™re now TL1.

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You got it.

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I think you only get 10 posts, so use them wisely.


Do we really have a precedent for completely deleting accounts on request?

I feel like this has been discussed before but I donā€™t recall if there was any resolution (formal or otherwise). I guess I understand the desire for some people to remove all their content if they decide they never want to post again here. But Iā€™m not sure I agree that the idea that ā€œyou own your own contentā€ means that you can have it all removed on demand.

I think thereā€™s a significant downside to deleting an account. In a nutshell, it ruins the historical record.

For example, I see JohnnyTruant was just deleted. Heā€™s been a major contributor to many, many threads and all those posts are just gone now (I think?). I assume this also orphans all the replies, making those threads somewhat unreadable or at least very hard to follow. For example, the recent activity in ā€œRFC:Unban Everyoneā€ is very strange without all his posts. Imaging opening that thread today (it was just started yesterday!) and trying to make sense of it now.

I feel like thereā€™s significant value in maintaining the record of exactly who said what and when. So I hope thatā€™s taken into account going forward with this kind of request.

(Also just remembered that JT was a major participant in the early attempts at formalizing the rules and policies when this forum was started and put in a lot of work in that area. If all those posts are completely lost, thatā€™s a significant loss for anybody who might want to revisit that issue.)


Thank you for the time and thoughtful care you took in deleting that account. I think you struck a good balance between Dukerā€™s legitimate concerns and the posterā€™s wishes.


None of our various communities over the years deserved to have this guy and all his contributions.


I appreciate the reply and Iā€™m glad to hear that significant thought has gone into the issue. Thereā€™s no easy answer but itā€™s just a shame to lose all that content, including both the good and the bad.


I feel the same way about Jesus

Too good I guess, rivermane banned him



I didnā€™t ban him

lol you silenced him. Same thing.