About Moderation (old original thread)

I like it. Ban Chupacabre?

He’s obtuse, stifling, spends far too much time reading UP, and doesn’t always shower daily. No angel.

Also, he’s not “high tech” and can’t do poles. Banworthy.


probably bc an ongoing rfc which is the only place i’m posting. the fact you or your ilk are threatened by this and are frantically trying to do this crap behind closed doors is pretty telling.

dont you worry, I’ll be gone soon.

Are the threads from About Unstuck hidden from guests?

Because they are really embarrassing. I mean the who the hell would want to join a place with so much bickering about what to an outsider is nothing directly in their face?


While I agree I don’t think new users are something we have to worry about.


If you ask ggoreo nicely, the About Moderation threads can all be muted. It really is an entirely different forum experience.

For anyone desiring this, you already have the power. Here’s what it looks like on desktop:

Click the notification bell next to the new topic button and mute away.

You don’t say.


You’d like it if I posted more often in AM?

Ban Well Named
  • Yes.
  • Duh, yes.
  • Who let him post here in the first place?

0 voters

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Suggestion: unban everyone. We need more people posting here, not less. So some trolls might come back. Who cares? Put them on ignore or dunk on them.


By now the problem is much less users being unable to post because of moderator enforced bans, but not posting because self bans/exiles bc of drama (largely by people who now choose to post on a different site!)

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This does not seem true, at least to many.

5 or so RFCs were started this week around bannings. None were started by members of the other site. Arguably the meanest and most trolling, at least by volume, not to mention most contradictory and pointless, posts in the debates are being made by non members of the other site. Yes these are subjective opinions, as is yours. There is a reason otatop is no longer as aligned with the anti-captains, and folks like Hokie and Twist who were not previously aligned with captains, were trolled by goofy et al.

This isn’t a one sided drama, and you only fuel it by pretending otherwise. If anything, the members of the other site have been most vocal in suggesting ways to cut this shit by stopping all the banning drama. It’s the anti captains that perpetuate it.

Having the sample size be posts of exclusively this week is silly.

I agree almost everything that’s happened in the about section this week has been trolling though!

I’m not sure if this will lessen the amount of fighting or pour gasoline on it.

Are you mainly just talking about this Sabo character that I don’t know? Or are there other people banned?

There’s very few people banned here. Hiding the ‘I want sabo back’ as ‘unban everyone’ is not subtle.

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Can you try for once to not make everything black and white? It’s amnesty for all.

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Lock up the Jmakin thread imo. Nothing going on in there today has anything to do with him. Unban his account, there is no traction for a perm. Let’s move on and fight in this thread I guess.

Well I guess that was a no.

@JonnyA, you closed an RFC to not ban a member that currently has 72 percent approval in the straw poll. If you want to moderate the off-topic stuff in that thread and issue a stern warning that no more off-topic posts can go in there, fine, but that thread needs to stay open so that step two of the RFC can happen, since Jmakin does not want to be permanently banned, and his main account still appears to be banned.

Edit: Per the consolidated ratified forum rules, that thread needs to stay opened three full days so that an admin can then create a poll as to the wording of the vote. Again, @JonnyA by locking that thread you are shutting down the RFC process. Link to rules: Consolidated Ratified Forum Rules - #9 by spideradmin

Withdrawing this request as it is now moot.