About Moderation (old original thread)

We have captains on one side, but what’s the other team name? I know bootlickers has been tossed around but that seems a tad on the nose. Any nominations?

While I hope the ship has sailed, I received a reply from Dr Avi Bitton, who ikes originally quoted to show how the paper is “shit”.

He answered:
a) he did not review the published paper
b) “it’s quite rare for the methodology to change to that degree between preprint and pub” [clarification - I asked if the issue he discussed in the tweet, which he referred to as a limitation, has been fixed between the two version]
c) “it is just a limitation to keep in my mind”. The results are still important and usable.

(This isn’t very important and should be in the covid thread, I apologize, but i just thought it might be interesting if anyone by any chance followed that part of the discussion that ended abruptly with “shit paper”).


The Pre-Banned
The Uninvited


Is that really your take away from the recent discussion? I’d hope not, but maybe we can hash it out.

Oh unless you are not including yourself on that team. Maybe I misread.

Yeah my bad. Maybe that is a good team name.

There was and has been a fair amount of discussion about people who were not invited and might have felt slighted and people were sorry about and it was a problem because of the way things evolved. Anyway, seems like a little explanation of how it evolved might be called for?

The PM threads have been pretty badly misrepresented. What started out literally as a game Sabo was playing grew somewhat when some people were mad about his ban. The population of the PM thread really grew a lot literally because someone was stoned and invited a lot of people. There were 2 threads and at least 15000 posts total and of course that included all kinds of stuff including a lot of LC. For a good while we thought the subforum would just be PMs here.

When there was so much animosity and Sabo was permad and people were ridiculing the idea of the subforum we started a new forum first with everyone who was in the PM thread and then we agreed that anyone could veto a new invite and we wouldn’t do any peer pressure to try to get someone to change. That has limited the invites somewhat because anyone could have any problem with anyone else and it could be unrelated to any of the larger forum drama.

I feel like mentioning all of this to you now because there’s another category of people who weren’t invited and that’s just people no one really had a personal relationship with. And most people have been kind of shy about suggesting invites or doing it too. I probably did like 90% of them after the initial group. Anyway, I’ve never interacted with you (or a bunch of others) and I didn’t really want to PM people I have never even exchanged posts with before.

I’m not suggesting you or anyone else should or should have to ask for an invite. I understand that sucks. I just wanted people, especially people who haven’t lobbied for the various bans or had forum fights, to hear that it’s more we (especially me) didn’t know you as opposed to not liking you.


I don’t think it would be productive to get into an extended back and forth on this. I probably shouldn’t have even made my original post, but I’ll leave it up so people can follow the convo.

Anyway, I will just say that I understand your perspective and appreciate that you took the time to lay it out.

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You just called everyone in here bootlickers


No I don’t think everyone on the forum is on a team. But I see why you and BOL took it that way and would delete if there weren’t some good posts that respond to mine.

So, dogs won right? (I’m assuming we can remove the votes of obvious trolls).

Good stuff.

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Obviously anyone that voted for cats is a troll, so dogs won unanimously.

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500 posts in 3 days? What’d I miss? On second thought I don’t care.

Also, why was the RFC thread to ban Churchill closed?

Because it’s a Friday afternoon and Keed got bored.

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Because it had run it’s course. I would have closed earlier, but had forgotten about it. It was reborn as a place for petty bickering, so I killed it.


Wtf is wrong with y’all? What a world we live in, where smart, educated people spend their days bickering at each other over utter bs ad nauseum. Learn to let it go or find another hobby, this can’t be good for you.


I know this should go in the Reading thread, but none the less this caught my eye while I was at the library:

Sounds like you’re saying Goofy and Jmakin would make good admins.

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@moderators Did somebody unban jmakin? If so, could it be noted in the moderation log so that we know who’s responsible? If not, could someone please explain why he’s being allowed to post under a gimmick despite the fact that there’s a community rule explicitly forbidding that? Thank you.