About Moderation (old original thread)

Scroll back up and read spidercrab’s post about it if you’re really interested.

you cat lovers are sick. there’s a lot of bullshit in this forum… but cats better than dogs? that’s an all new low.


Spidercrab answers why anyone should care that he was wrong enough to ban him?

No, spider posted upthread a quick synopsis of Church bullshitting about his source, which was the reason for the ban and not simply “Oh, he said COVID was in France?”

Abrasive is certainly not the word for him, maybe smart-alecky? But, whatever.

Is there anyone who plays all of this more like a game than you?

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So what?

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You asked why he was banned, I’m telling you where you can see what happened. Obviously you can decide for yourself whether that was appropriate or not.

Seems more smart-alecky than abrasive to me, but whatever.

I think you know what I mean by playing a game, but I understand you not wanting to break the 4th wall.


It wasn’t.

I’m saying you care about this exactly as if it were a game. Bad faith? Dunno, that’s a fuzzy definition. I’m not saying you’re lying. I’m saying you’re playing and don’t really care beyond that, while other people do.

Going to make a nice post about you though in the spirit of peacemaking…not counting myself of course, you may have the best taste in television shows on the forum.

I appreciate that for real, and I’m glad you’re still here.

Hey fuck you buddy, I saw Squid Game.

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Victor is not playing. You’re totally wrong about that. Jal and Jman are playing, but they don’t post very much. Churchill is playing, sure, but it’s not the same game and it’s a lot easier to ignore.

I really think if certain people ignored Churchill this forum would be far better. Sure, he does post some bad studies, but mostly it’s pretty harmless BBC / anti-US stuff that starts the drama. He’s probably trolling a bit with these posts, but the same people consistently turn it into a fight and can’t just let him post without pushback.

I’ve asked people (including Church) to stop the snarky non-substantive fights with each other, but have been basically told to fuck off. The problem is most of the stuff isn’t ban worthy IMO but still makes the forum worse.


Hasn’t been said enough but you are doing an excellent job in a tough position imo.


And like, just yesterday we were supposed to be going over all of Churchill bans, most way older than that Victor post.

He’s not never trolling or being mean or fighting or digging up dirt, but he’s serious and basically honest and has feelings about these things. I think you’re pretty detached and just playing, not unhinged. And typing like that is idiotic and childish. I didn’t finish that post and I essentially never read a post where you do that thing acting like a 9 year old.


Goofy, your commitment to the game is such that it’s there in your avatar. You troll Riverman with every post.

+1 cause a heart isn’t sufficient.

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