About Moderation (old original thread)


Saying that I thought you made two terrible posts is not a personal attack.

You’re also free to flag my posts and another mod will review them.


The same as “trolling”, you guys really need to define what misinformation means. Especially if you want it to become a standard of discussion and modding here.

And no, misinformation cannot be defined as information that is incorrect. You are not helping the conversation if you had the urge to post that.

lol bullshit. That’s not all you did is it? Coupled with new info coming out an hour or so later should end in an apology if you really gave a shit about civility

I don’t want to dig up any hatchets that have already been buried. Have we already gone through like peacemaking on the forum?

(take it easy on bobman though imo)

Not surprised to see all the Team Dog guys are dicks.


Surely flagging is way better for the health of the forum than following you around making a spectacle.

Very curious why he would throw these tantrums.

Even if you had personally attacked him, it’s odd that he would be so fixated on it.

Nobody has said this yet, but it feels like he’s wrapped up in the respect he feels he deserves from everyone here, and loses it when people don’t defer to him.

0 reason it should be this big a deal.

Johnny’s been extremely patient and reasonable throughout this.


If we have i must have missed it. For the record I don’t hate anyone here or perceive anyone here to be my enemy. I wish that we could all reconcile because the experience here was richer before than now.

But yes i get pissed off about something and go harder than I should at someone. I shouldn’t do that. I will fully admit that flaw and I have been working on it for years at this point. Not with as much success as I would like.


The mod who banned you for an hour for incivility is a HYPOCRITE!


Good thing it doesn’t seem like he’s going to continue an escalation of bans against you and curate a narrative against your fitness to be allowed here, or else you REALLY might not let this go!

We did actually in PMs from almost a year ago. It’s all good brother.

Ahh ya i thought you meant a forum wide one. I remember that and appreciate it. I have talked to lots of people and buried the hatchet on things here from the original blowout. I highly recommend it.

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No, it’s been about two years.

Yeah the microbet ethos of “only bans for unforgivable sins” is an absolutely awful way to run a forum imo, but its their position and they are allowed to have it and I respect that they’ve held onto it. I personally think for message boards someone having to be banned over and over again is way worse than idk, someone doxxing someone once or whatever we think is a no way back mortal sin.

who the fuck answers cats?



He didn’t have to be banned for saying covid was in France in October 2019 did he? (first recorded case was in Dec 2019 - a month earlier than was thought for a while because it was before they started monitoring)

Covid clearly wasn’t in France at that time.

I dont think its valuable to relitigate every ban, but if they were a bit less abrasive in these situations it would cool the temperature from those wishing to dole out punishment.
Like, I don’t think Churchill was mainly banned for “being wrong.” It was a bunch of layers of history, failures to communicate and emotion.

I can post all the time with a cat beside me or on top of me, I have to go outside to walk a dog. Counter productive imo.

Churchill is pretty not abrasive.

Who cares if he was off by two months on when Covid was in France? He was wrong. So?