About Moderation (old original thread)

I think I was literally the first person to point out the figures in the paper were different from the preprint.

By trying to bring the topic in focus of uniting the forum? Sorry Keed. I’ll just go fuck myself.



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I think i agree with you on most points and we have similar views. Notice that while I got into it here in AM, I almost never got into fights with either teams. My two big fights in the forum had been on personal insults that had nothing to do with the forum.

Sometimes it’s hard to argue about “all this stuff”, so I took a particular case and through that showed (to anyone willing to see of course) how problematic the current norms are. Clearly if people aren’t interested in changing them there’s not much we can do.

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This is a good attempt to reshuffle the teams and hope it works out. Team dogs for lyfe


Figures 1 and 2 are only different because they contain six weeks more data. That’s not a correction! Figure three is brand new and not included in the preprint, that’s not a correction either, just something they were working on for the paper that they weren’t ready to rush out in the preprint. There’s no way they got Figure 3 ready to publish in three weeks.

I think both sides of something can be valid also. People were pretty hard on church and he did some trolling. Does anyone really disagree with that?

Whosnext wasn’t on anyone’s “team” and his posting ITT was completely reasonable stuff that didn’t deserve the abuse he got.

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Can we please unban Anti-Vaxx Dog for the Cat/Dog pole?

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not a single person afaik. @goofyballer alluded to it. He stated that Church doesn’t troll sometimes, he is a troll. I respect that argument and the distinction is good and important, I disagree with it based on what I’ve seen.

But a more interesting debate shouldn’t be about Church, but about the concept of misinformation and how to enforce it and who enforces it and what the consequences should be in both cases of a “cite or ban” equation.

It a fair question - but I’m not sure there really is a way, other than people just agreeing to a truce and actually ignoring the people they don’t like. However, I think much of this forum lives for the arguments - and that’s people on both sides. One thing I’ve noticed is that no one ever seems to want to let anyone else have the last word in an argument so they just keep going forever.

If there were a way to force certain posters to ignore each other that might work - but it might just be a temporary bandaid.


Did I abuse him? Can I ask for a cite? He said he is trying to explain to me like a 5 year old while he got the basic math of his analogy wrong. I explained that math to him (perhaps using the wrong age group).

If you are referring to me as part of the abuse, I demand an apology. If not, I’m interested in how and who abused him.

Look at how Wookie is dealing with your performance and emulate that is my suggestion.

I wish I could smrk, I really wish I could. Do you think you’d pass a lie detector saying Wookie’s argument had been logical, consistent and sound while mine had been dumb? I’m not gonna challenge your answer. Really interested.

Ive suggested this in the past but it seems there’s no easy way for the software to do this.

Which ARE better?
  • Proper grammar
  • Fuck you, I’ll do what I want

0 voters

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You publish stuff in srs journals right? When you are presenting findings or making an argument, you say that something is wrong, why, but you do not generally call people dumb do you?

For what it’s worth, in isolation, I think you’ve made a convincing case that preprint gate did not deserve moderation, but it’s one incident. If you have the energy, go through all the COVID threads with equal rigor and tell us if the other 20 times churchill was moderated were unjustified.

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oh like you this morning? right on it. Or is that ‘substantive’?


Guess I gotta make a gimmick and post a bunch of fact-free pro-USA bullshit over in your other home since factual accuracy on pet subjects means so little to you.

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