About Moderation (old original thread)

I silenced Yuv for a post someone else reported. I didn’t do anything to USC Cheats

Why did you tell Crunchy you didn’t ban yuv then?

I unsilenced him. You are both doing the same thing here and it’s between you two. You silencing him here without any input from anyone else on your own accord won’t stand. If you dish it out you’ll have to take it.

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Lol he got reported by someone else for a post in a separate thread that had nothing to do with me. A+ job

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I’ll admit I’m not up on the governance procedures for the forum, but is it considered normal for moderators to unilaterally reverse the actions of other moderators without any consultation?

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I pmed you to ask which post of mine included a “personal attack”. You replied with a quote from the post i wrote about -you-.

You also specified that I am trolling and personal attacking on multiple threads. Since I only wrote in two threads (not including a link to a Joey Votto video, which might be considered a personal attack by some I suppose), this thread is by definition included in your ban.


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Only bad ones.


yuv was shitting all over the covid thread with moronic trolling nonsense. Thanks for bringing it back. Why it’s apparently too much to PM riverman or actually look into things for a few minutes is beyond me.

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So it’s your expert opinion that I wrote personal attacks in the covid thread that warrants a 7 day ban?

I did PM riverman and he said he banned me for posting “terrible person”, which was a quote from the post I wrote here and that he also doesn’t care what i posted in the covid thread. So perhaps PM’ing him wouldn’t have helped the cause.

You can litigate your bullshit with anyone else. You were way out of line in the covid thread and if you want to argue you deserve a day or two instead of a week I don’t give a fuck. You still need a timeout because you’re incapable of stopping yourself.

It appears you are litigating your bullshit. I will pay you a million dollar for any personal attack I’ve made in the covid thread today.

It also sees to be nomination day, you are more than welcome to nominate yourself for mod.

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You should resign. What a fucking joke.

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Please don’t crap up this thread with the COVID thread beefs.


weird you pick me to say that to, what do you think the rest of this is?

So someone else did something so you have the right to come in here and do it too? That’s good for the thread and good for the forum?

Literally a mod was posting something erroneous because they didn’t participate in the covid thread. They were told why it was wrong. You’re seemingly offended because I corrected their post in this thread, in this thread. That’s weird.

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