About Moderation (old original thread)

Imagine being mad about saying “you guys” and “you people”

No wonder you are upset about the VICIOUS CYCLE of forum moderation

Yeah dude lemme filter out half the content so I can enjoy this website. Really strong direction being advocated for here

Imagine being mad about people posting in a thread about stuff you are not interested in.
You can’t win this argument.

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It’s one thread. And if you don’t like a community modded site then this isn’t the place for you. Get over yourself.

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Who said anything about the poor, maybe associating leech with the poor is a you problem?

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This take requires ignoring all context for it to be remotely accurate. There is no debate that all of the forum drama spills all over the site and isn’t isolated in this one single thread. Pretty bad take tbh

If I were mod I would come to the determination that Yuv is incredibly sensitive and shouldn’t be taken seriously

I mean I do think the diffused power is pretty dumb and ultimately a big mistake

Obviously a poll is needed:

  • Making a complaint is bad
  • No, making a complaint about complaining is bad
  • Wrong! Whining about posters making complaints about other complaints is bad
  • Fuck off! Everybody knows whining about whiners who complain about the complainers is the way to go

0 voters


If your objection is to the mission of the site then I’m less concerned with appeasing you.


“Buddy, I don’t even know who you are”.

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I thought THE MISSION OF THE SITE was for libs to chat with each other or something? I didn’t know the mission was to create a internet platform for mods to delegate modding tasks to posters. Very odd mission

Is the more reasonable reading of this and similar posts that Aofrantic thinks that Jalfarezi has the money and is choosing not to support certain things or that he actually thinks Jalfarezi is poor and is mocking him for it?

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You should submit an RFC to that effect then


That is certainly not what I meant, I haven’t donated a dollar to this forum. I called jal a leech for the amount of time and resources he wastes on petty squabbles such as this. I do not know Jals economic status and did not mean to call him poor, but point out how in our shared interests, I back them with money. This was in response to being called a fake fan.

There is a large historical stupid thing around Brits calling those from other countries who support their teams fake fans because they weren’t born/raised in the culture. Jal called me a plastic fan for this reason. He told me to listen to a certain podcast that I’ve been a patreon supporter of forever and either gone to their site and read or listened for about a decade. I called him a leech for only using their free content and not supporting them financially.


goofyballer for mod


I will proudly bear the label of “fake fan”, “bandwagon jumper”, “plastic”, or whatever. I’m a fair weather fan, and proud of it. Sport is entertainment. If my favorite band puts out a shite album, I don’t buy it. If my favorite team sucks, I don’t pay to see the game. Simple as that. I can understand people that have more loyalty though. It’s just not how I prefer to consume the product.


Right on cue for what? Me using a gender neutral term as to avoid the gendered “you guys?” Want to address the substance of what I said or just whine some more?

Please, dumb yourself down for me. If that’s possible.