About Moderation (old original thread)

I honestly wish I could. Even replying to you here puts me in danger that you might stop doing your much appreciated admin work (no sarcasm).

My issue with the ‘you guys’ and other meta-posts isn’t coming from some P.C. perspective, fwiw. It’s a psychological phenomena I find interesting and irritating at the same time.

But I do wish I had the self confidence required to demand someone “address the substance” of my post when my post was “you are a liar and everyone else are whiners and stupid”. It’s a life goal. You truly believe that and I envy you. Either way, I’m bound to lose.


Growing up I had this relationship with football too, to me it was a game to be played and watched for fun… Infact sometimes the worse the team the better (our junior football) and we would see some spectacles travelling to the amateurs.

  • my city was a bit mad on the footie stuff and it made me nauseated by the desire of some here to win over their rivals.

I grew up being able to see the ground from my tenement house and was born litterly a street away. :grin:

And then I remembered my season ticket years during the early 2,000 and think hmm maybe I’m more passionate than I care to think.

Growing up as a kid & being able to see your hero’s irl while they trained and walked back to celtic Park was something else tbh, seeing them eat a roll and pie out the local bakery while standing in awe & hoping Danny would give you a pat on the head and when it happened you were smiling from ear to ear the rest of the week.

Ahhh…the days that we forget.



Not getting involved in this but just what to say that those who are posting in this thread with the sole purpose of stirring the pot should pack it in!

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Oh please. You aren’t important enough to get me to quit over anything you post. There is nothing psychologically interesting or controversial to addressing a group as “you people” (Btw, you’re aware you’re doing the very same thing in this thread, right?) but please, continue to do the intellectual equivalent of farting in a wine glass and sniffing it a la southpark.

You are doing it again. I did not call you a liar, not in any sense. I said your characterization of events is borderline dishonest. I drew this conclusion because it leaves so, so, so much out. I read all ~300 posts of the exchange. I did that because of YOU WHINY FUCKS. Wasted probably 15 mins of my life doing it. Why? Because I care about this stuff. I would not be doing what I am doing if i did not care.

What you described is nothing close to what actually happened. Maybe you truly believe it, maybe you don’t, I don’t know. I did not call you a liar. But how you described the exchange isn’t what happened.




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I would say it’s ironic, but it doesn’t matter. Just a repeat of the greatest hits. I appreciate that ‘you guys’ aren’t even trying anymore to come up with reasons. At least it reduces the time wasted on pretending this isn’t what it clearly is.

Good fucking God, man. TWO HOURS on a work day, and the fact that I haven’t done anything you ask in that time (THAT NO ONE ELSE FLAGGED) is now proof that I’m unfit to mod? What in the actual fuck? At least give me a little bit before you call for my head.

OK. You did come in too hot.

You forgot the part where jal called him clueless, prior to the exchange you listed, and a fool and plastic after the exchange. You also left out some really borderline stuff from jal a day or two ago in his exchange with CaffeineNeeded precisely because it wasn’t worth another drama bomb in here.

I certainly read it as the former.

You also “wouldn’t have to post here” if you just decided not to weaponize every mod decision in service of your grudge and just let people eat less than a day’s ban for an obvious personal attack.

Reasons? For what? To be clear I don’t even have a fucking side here. It seems like you’ve read nothing of the last 6-12 months’ drama and are trying to draw some conclusion you still won’t state clearly.

You’re talking complete nonsense.

How about ‘you whiney fuckers’ might also actually ‘care about this stuff’?

You’d be amazed how much more empathy you might have if you talk directly to people instead of categorizing them as an amorphic group of ‘yous’.

My initial reaction to the 6-12 months drama is still the correct one. This won’t stop until Jal is permabanned.


Yeah you missed the beginning when the euro contingent talked about how much money they spent on soccer clubs

Maybe the soccer thread should have its own separate moderator?

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Imagine thinking that lizard people Americans have time to get out of their clowncar and ruin a sport they don’t even know the name of, then posting this c___ theory on the internet where all can see.

Has anyone run the math yet? Thinking this thread might be UPs Old Faithful erupting every 51 hours or something.

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And then like clockwork it will re-erupt exactly 24 hours after the first eruption, before quieting down for another 51 hours.

I think the people complaining about the complainers need to rethink the purpose of complaints. This should be an active thread. We are supposed to be working out these problems together.


That’s less satisfying though

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It’s part of the natural order of things and people need to accept that it can’t be stopped.

Right. Challenges to moderation decisions shouldn’t be taken personally. Similarly, people doing the challenging shouldn’t make it personal and assume motive or bad faith. Just both sides accepting that would cool the temperature significantly.


You mean this problem. You said these.

@Yuv sorry for the way I talked to you earlier. This bickering really gets me irritated for reasons I can’t explain without pissing a dozen people off. Not that that’s an excuse but I wanted to publicly apologize rather than pm about it.

For anyone else I pissed off, I apologize as well. Not meaning to leave anyone out but my exchange was mostly with yuv. I guess I owe one to @fidgetUK as well for the all caps post.

Please, please try to let some things go everyone. I look at the site usage and participation data and I’m seeing one or two concerning trends, which I’m perfectly happy to share at some point when I have time.