About Moderation (old original thread)

No, I said what I meant. Any and all moderation problems.

Ah, I didn’t realize all the complaining was about different things rather than literally the exact same thing every time.

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Please don’t troll this thread.


Despite humanities differences, there are some commonalities. For example:

What’s everyone’s favorite sound in the world? The sound of their own voice complaining.

What’s everyone’s least favorite sound in the world? The sound of other people’s voices complaining.

So, a thread with comments, questions, and yes, even complaints can sound like nails on the chalk board. That’s partly what motivates us to break up that awful screeching noise with the beautiful sweet melody of our own complaints.

This is the thread for all of those beautiful and ugly sounds. Our challenge as humans is that their beauty or ugliness is determined by our personal perspective. We can sit around and insist that others agree on the relative beauty that we perceive, or we can practice empathy and seek understanding. We can wind people up so they’ll squeel worse than a pig. Or not. E’rybody got choices.


OK. That’d be nice.

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I’m sorry that you took that personally. I did try to soften it with a compliment first.

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Yes my two posts have really derailed things.


Now that everyone’s paying attention, it’s worth re-introducing the question of how we might attract new users to this place. I’ve put some thought into this from time to time but I really don’t have any great suggestions, but one of you guys might hit on an idea.


Some of the challenges to the moderation decisions have literally consisted of calling the moderators white supremacists. But yeah, not intended to be taken personally. Lol. Keeeeeeeeddddd.

Did you not read the rest of that post? The fuck is wrong with you?


Yeah umm… Your second part needs to be first, not second. Because I absolutely fucking guarantee you that tomorrow at noon or whenever that ban comes off, it’s goin got be made personal with accusations of bad faith real quick. Maybe even a white supremacist charge or two thrown in. Real hard for you to argue in good faith that the target of that attack “shouldn’t take it personally.” Again, lol keeeeeeeedddd.

You’re quibbling over the order I’m putting my points in? Jesus christ.

No, the fact that your’e telling the mods “not to take it personally” is pretty fucking bad faith when the attacks are literally personal attacks.

Edit: Stop acting like that guy who punched you in the face just punched you in the face. That’s literally what you are arguing.

Lol, I don’t even crack the top 10.

No. I’m saying that mods shouldn’t take criticism of their moderation personally. I think wookie in particular is guilty of this. He is not at all receptive to criticism. I’m also saying critics of moderation should stick to the substance of their complaints and not make things personal. I’m saying if both sides changed this behavior it would make things a lot better.

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I mean, I didn’t take cassette’s disagreement with the Bored Social nonban personally, but there was a ton of personal stuff flying once he got the ball rolling. It does seem a bit rich to tell me not to take this all so personally when with every single instance I face a deluge of personal attacks that seldom have been moderated. I don’t know why I am expected to not take personally the weaponization of my past or accusations of not just having made a mistake but being wholly mentally unfit.

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Lol, ITT someone literally implied a mod was collaborating with neo-nazis. yeahok.gif… I repeat: Keeeeeeeeeeeddd…

I mean, you’re going to catch some heat as a moderator. The most egregious stuff can obviously be moderated, just like egregious attacks against any poster ought to be moderated. It seems like you just want to go back to the good old days of 2+2 moderation where you don’t have to provide any documentation or accountability and can act as you see fit all while brooking no criticism. That isn’t going to sit well with a lot of people.


You and I remember 2+2 very differently.

Did you miss the part where I said that critics shouldn’t make things personal? Seriously dude what the fuck is the matter with you?