About Moderation (old original thread)

We are going in circles. I’m done.

Are mods trusted and empowered to mod to any degree, or is everything a community referendum?

If put to community referendum, do you think that the jal ban would be overturned?

If a ban is upheld as justified, whether by referendum or by some other means we adopt, should a person who disagrees be able to complain about the ban ad infinitum unchecked?

I think they should be trusted to mod but any decision can be questioned and overturned. That’s why deleting offending posts and not documenting actions is bad. All mod actions should be transparent and documented so that if the community does disagree with one, it’s all right there for everyone to decide for themselves.

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lmao in no successful internet forum ever has there been moderation by community referendum.


This forum could really learn a lot from the discord offspring it has spawned. The civility level is really high.

I can’t figure out if the main instigators just aren’t there or if there is something fundamentally different about essentially a chat room vs. a message board.

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The further removed people are from interacting in person the worse they will behave.

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That sounds good and all, but it basically serves just to amplify the voices of opposition while people who agree just say nothing. There is no mechanism to end the complaints, and as you have seen, they can get deeply personal.

Mods can give temp bans for over the line attacks on mods just like they can give temp bans for over the line attacks on anyone else.

Which inevitably serves to generate new cries of bias and unfitness from the banned.

This is considerably more impersonal than a live audio chat.

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Instigators not there 10000%

All your proving is that the class of people who post here are generally better than the class of society at large. Which makes sense, this forum skews educated. With maybe 1 or 2 exceptions I’m pretty confident nobody here is getting into a brawl IRL over a soccer game, etc.

Jal absolutely loves this. It’s troll crack going right into veins. He is in heaven.


This. Friendly reminder that the usual suspects love this sparring and jabbing and do it as a hobby. Let them have their fun.

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Yeah, it’s always perplexing, and some days I have no desire to even learn about it, but sometimes it’s an amusing sideshow, so I agree with @amead.

Let’s try a new tact and just have fun with it. I don’t suppose we are forced to be outraged with the antics.

The problem is the people pointing out the problem not the problem itself? That’s like saying BLM is the problemwith cops killing people.


As long as those complaints aren’t over the line, who cares? And if they are over the line, ban them again.

Interesting you don’t think there is a consensus. Perhaps I am biased but it seems like it’s a pretty small minority who don’t agree on the source of the problem.

Anyway, one solution to all this is wookie can no longer mod jal. Why not have him simply leave all jal decisions to another mod.