About Moderation (old original thread)

Well, is calling a mod unfit, biased, and/or megalomaniacal over the line? Or would banning for that be taking it personally?

I donā€™t know, Iā€™d have to see the posts in question.

Did I say that? Anything remotely like that?

Iā€™m not a centrist. This is a bullshit, shit stirring post.

Well, for one because jal also thinks that skydiver is biased against him, and Chads is apt to be on the road and afk for decent chunks of time, and RiskyFlush last posted a month ago with no eta for a return. For two, it seems absurd that someone should get to pick their own personal referee just by whining a lot.

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Iā€™m pretty I would take it personally but I donā€™t think it should be bannable.

Yeah, thatā€™s the rub. If accusing a mod of bias or being a megalomaniac is not an objectively banworthy personal attack per se, then the accuser will always think theyā€™re coloring inside the lines and speaking the truth, and so a mod taking action against that is reinforcing the victimhood and proving the bias.

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Are you even for real right now? i did no such thing. Iā€™m not even on the discord, wtaf are you even talking about???

OK. Do you expect all present and future moderators, volunteers all, should just be obligated to just weather all such attacks that they take personally, or should there be some sort of check on that other than banning the accuser?

I just donā€™t want this forum to turn into 2p2 where mods are invincible and the community means nothing.


So you just want to silence your critics? You just gave a seven day ban that the community overwhelmingly decided was unjust. Someone claiming you were biased against the person is reasonable, and such accusations should be allowed. Everyone has their biases.

What do you suggest? It sounds like you want to drastically limit criticism of moderators and their actions.

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I mostly resent the ā€œcentrists stick togetherā€ comment. First of all every political ideology test Iā€™ve ever taken puts me far left. I think my voting record in the last several years reflects this. Second of all I donā€™t agree with 100% of my friendsā€™ politics nor do I have to to be friends with them.

And to clarify my position further I think all sides of this incessant kerfuffle are instigating. Including friends of mine. I am friends, or like to think I am, with a lot of people on this board. I just want everyone to stop because there isnā€™t really a single poster in this whole thing that I dislike. In my ideal world everyone just stfuā€™s and tries to at least pretend to get along.

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Iā€™m fishing for ideas.

Of course I am. I donā€™t think that mods, me or anyone who comes after me, should be subject to an unchecked campaign accusing them of bias, abuse of power, etc. when one person and a few allies get a bee in their bonnets over a 24 hr ban.

Itā€™s not about 24 hour bans, itā€™s about fairness.


You donā€™t like any of my ideas, but Iā€™ll restate them: rotating mods so bad feelings on either side donā€™t build up and fester and everyone taking some steps back and try to give the other side a break.

Iā€™m underwhelmed by this unchecked campaign of people questioning your decisions in a tone that you find disrespectful and using rhetoric that you find offensive. Itā€™s the internet, toughen up.

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In no way did he take shots at people on the discord. He just pointed out there is less rancor on the discord. I am not on the discord, I did not take it as a shot at people who were not on the discord.

There is no mod action that cannot be described as unfair.

I thought the discord was dead? Or is there another discord Iā€™m not cool enough to know about?

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Lol, i donā€™t think anyone for a second believes that this can happen given that the mods canā€™t misplace a period without a 500 post bitchfest.

When did this misplaced period incident happen?

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There was a 300 post multi-thread debate becuase a moderator failed to timely amend the moderation log. Ultimately the mod amended the moderation log. So yeah, lol, Iā€™m not worried about mods somehow seizing absolute power.