About Moderation (old original thread)

There are a lot of good things in the data. Our community “stickiness” is still off the charts high. I won’t freak out til that starts tanking. People that come here tend to stick around, in other words. But our post counts are down and trending down, and our daily users has taken a big hit. I still cannot tell if it’s correlated with the Biden admin or the big blowout that happened right after the inauguration. I know exactly when it was because it was on my birthday. I’m thinking more and more it’s related to the bickering.

As far as growing, I have some ideas but they’re not gonna be popular. Targeted ads are expensive - like $1 a click. We don’t really have the budget for that. I believe our twitter account is still very active. We are trickling new users in.

To draw new users though, we have to figure out what our “draw” is. I don’t think it’s high level political discourse, though we do have that. I think it’s more of a gathering place for a self-run community of educated introverts to talk about whatever they want in a fairly safe haven. Sort of the inverse of 8kun, if you will.

One of the first things I would do is take “politics” out of our name. The few people I’ve shown this to are always like ew, I don’t like politics. But we have a lot more than just politics here, our offtopic sections are extremely active and I don’t expect that to slow down either.


Do you think that the moderator should have amended the moderation log?

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You know this isn’t what happened. Why do you make so many posts like this?


A few rounds of survivor would clear this entire mess up forever. Maybe just 1.


Dismissive much?


Maybe it wasn’t 300 but it was a lot of posts.

Been saying this for a while

Who gives a shit?


The 300 post “bitch fest” (can we not use this phrase?) was because a user was called a racist and banned for a week. The community rejected the accusation and overturned the decision. That took a while, yeah.


No, that was a 1,000 complaint whine-fest. After the ban was overturned it moved on to a 300-post whinefest about the fact that the moderation log hadn’t been updated.

Doesn’t seem like the threads are consuming the site then


Pretend I’m a mod and I gave you a week ban for this and my reason was “Naked sexism” in the mod log. Would you have any complaints about that or would you simply own your sexism?


I have mostly stopped posting because of the bickering, fwiw. Not really complaining; just adding a datapoint.

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I’ve actually done very little “whining” (as you call it) for quite a while (nice term to use for the community you’re supposed to represent btw).

Apart from that point, I agree with your post, which is why the forum needs more mods.

Yes, yes, I know, start an RFC.

I assume from your lack of action over the insults from Aofrantic that poverty-shaming is an acceptable form of discourse here? It would be useful to have some consistent boundaries so we all know where we stand.


49 posts itt in April, heavily involved in every outbreak of whining except when unable to post. You’ve done nothing but whine here and in the soccer thread since coming back.

GMAFB dude.

Because of the reasons microbet gave - his reads are correct.


We can all make up accusations about each other then count the replies as “whining” if that’s the game you want to play.

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Of course that’s your answer, because the answer is obviously yes, the log should have been updated. It was petty not to updated it when asked, and the only reason there were more than a single post about it was that it wasn’t done when someone requested it be updated.


Oh so you’re not whining, you’re standing on a hill defending your freedom from short bans from an internet forum. My bad.

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You’re either not reading the meta-game well or just pretending not to be aware of it. Because you’re relatively new I suppose it’s the former.

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