About Moderation (old original thread)


Iā€™ve not been posting as much & thereā€™s no particular reason for it uther than Iā€™ve been enjoying the rest from the madness that was 2016/2020.

I did post a heluva lot in those years :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

And thanks for the work you do here J for all the data etc, I might not know whatā€™s going on at most times but itā€™s appreciated.

Leave J alone @Vict0ar :v: lol as if he even posts much in pol. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Heā€™s been stalking the forum since the startā€¦ :scream:

Ok, that puts a very different complexion on things.

What was good about Ikes revelations was that it shows how much of a plastic supporter he is with that comment alone.

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I just donā€™t get how every time Jal makes a comment, is instantly corrected he never has the epiphany that he is wrong way, way more often than not. Itā€™s happened now hundreds of times here! Over the simplest of things!

could you correct this?

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Wait what? Yā€™all had that conversation like 3 days ago.

Literally on the 1st few days, think it was the 2ndā€¦:grin:

Youā€™d genuinely think there was a language barrier at play half the times in this forum.

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Never underestimate what a desperate need to be correct online will do to someoneā€™s reading comprehension.

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I dunno. Maybe you could just put the onus on the user to not take it so personally?

It seems incredibly hard to believe that this is your genuine interpretation of his words, given that he has already explicitly explained himself in this thread. Thatā€™s not how I read his words, and itā€™s not how he intended them.

They shouldnā€™t take it personally. It was still a completely reasonable request, and you ignoring it was wrong.

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I mean this is the first technique from How to Win Friends and Influence People

  1. Donā€™t criticize, condemn, or complain. Human nature does not like to admit fault. When people are criticized or humiliated, they rarely respond well and will often become defensive and resent their critic. To handle people well, we must never criticize, condemn or complain because it will never result in the behavior we desire.

jalā€™s response to the ghetto blaster incident is this in a nutshell, and yes it was incredibly stupid but itā€™s also human nature to dig in your heels, especially when people start throwing around accusations of racism.

It also works going the other way, Wookieā€™s not going to suddenly go ā€œWell shit, I think this 10,000th accusation of bias against me might have some meritā€ so the endless posts criticizing his modding are just adding noise to the forum.


Iā€™m asking that you read it again because his intention was not what youā€™re saying, and everyone who voiced an opinion in that thread was of the same mind.

FYI first he appears to call everyone on this site who isnā€™t a donor a leech:

Next, the quote that heā€™s attempted to walk back because itā€™s clear heā€™s poverty-shaming:

Is poverty-shaming an acceptable form of discourse here? It would be useful to have some consistent boundaries so we all know where we stand.

Lol dude, thatā€™s outrageous. I have never donated to this site! I assume like 95%+ of people havenā€™t! I donā€™t even know how you do it, and have never cared to find out!

This is so, so disingenuous it would be beneath every other poster on this forum.

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You were accusing him of being a fake fan with no real interest. His retort only makes sense if he thinks you do have means that you are unwilling to spend on something you purport to have a greater interest in than he does.

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That makes zero sense. If he thinks I do have the means to pay for something why is he suggesting I should get a loan?

The only reason someone, unsolicited, tells someone else to get a loan for something they donā€™t have is to poverty-shame them.

ā€¦Do you actually think I suggestested you get a loan to buy a football shirt or a $6 patreon subscription? Really dude? You canā€™t be this disingenuous. Itā€™s a jab because you were being absolutely ridiculous!


It read to me as a setup to the pun on ā€œinterest,ā€ that your interest (in the team) couldnā€™t be lower.