About Moderation (old original thread)

I mean, he knows this. As I’ve pointed out before, he’s not this stupid. He’s trolling.


He didn’t mention the word “interest” there. Neither had I used that word.

Come on. It’s no biggie to admit you were overworked in your actual job and missed something in a spat on an internet forum.

Ghaar you made me unignore this one.

There you go, in his own words - a jab, based on poverty-shaming…on a forum that calls itself leftist, of all places.

Only going on now 6 I believe replies since I was “perma ignored.”

He had 5 replies since I first said that, and never took offense to it in that fashion until Yuv weirdly assumed that was my intention.

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Dude, it’s not a “jab” based on wealth nor income. We have said this many, many times. The most expensive thing talked about was a $6 patreon subscription.

The only way your line would make sense if I said “the only way to be a real fan is to be a season ticket holder” or something to that effect. But that’s your line! You’re the one saying to be a real fan, you have to be 50+ years old and have lived in the area and absorbed the history of the club through attending matches and being in the culture. You’re literally trying to argue both sides!

The “pretend to have you on ignore so I can make digs at you while loudly exclaiming I have you on ignore and pretend not to see your response” is classic jalfrezi.

Totally not whining guys!

If it bothers you you can always put the thread on mute and stop coming here to whine about people whining.

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It bothers me in the sense of ‘how could some person be such an entitled brat’, but I’d be lying if I wasn’t entertained by your ludicrous pettiness. Similar to watching honey boo boo I can’t turn away.

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You’ve been rumbled, son.

How so?

Don’t accuse me of malice and then try to pretend that you’re only accusing me of an oversight.

lol, “The incontrovertible proof that he was poverty shaming me is his statement that he wasn’t poverty-shaming me.” Well, I don’t expect to convince you of anything. Have fun.

I’m going to ahad and say that, yes, this form of discourse, whether poverty-shaming or not, should be permitted and that you just need to get a thicker skin.

Insulting people is allowed and keeping with the culture of this forum and the main and consistent boundary seems to be swearing at other posters and calling them names, especially in one-liner posts that don’t contain anything substantive. If someone bothers you, learn how to speak back to them without crossing that line and you probably won’t get banned.

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It’s proving to be an ineffective proposal. Goofy, despite stepping down, is still drawing the same bad feelings, and Chads, having just stepped in, is immediately garnering new ones.

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When I read Yuv’s post, I was genuinely confused. I had slight malice toward jalfrezi, sure. I was slightly annoyed at his comments, but more perplexed by the trolls. I watch Arsenal women’s matches and U18 games, spend a ton of money on the team and have participated on SE and other places posting about them since before I was even 18. But, if in his eyes I can’t be a “real fan” because I’m not from London, oh well. That’s toxic, but funny in a sad, sad way.

I don’t care who donates to this site. Why would I? Who does? I don’t know!

If you tell someone a podcast is absolutely vital to listen to, to share your experiences and “fandom level” to someone who pays for that podcast while you don’t, I’m going to point that out!

Ineffective proposal? You’re still mod for life, I don’t see how my suggestion of rotating moderators has been implemented.

If by mod for life you mean he has to be re-elected every 6 months, then sure…

when was his last election? Must have missed it.

In any case, my proposal was mandatory rotation for everyone, as I’m sure you know.

When someone did a referendum on him staying on and he got 90 percent?

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That isn’t what that poll was, look it up.

I’ve seen this episode before

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