About Moderation (old original thread)

I mean, no. But also, no. But anyway, the most recent RFC instituting 6 month mod terms followed by required re-election passed, so I assume we are looking at the next “official election” in what, 4.5 months? But if you’d like him removed sooner, feel free to start an RFC.

This is a good idea. Requiring people to show up to a zoom call to continue to air this kind of stuff would probably work even better.


That’s all ok and your point about getting a thicker skin is valid criticism, but I was really looking for some insight as to why people who claim leftist values are free n easy with poverty-shaming.

Probably the same reason why people who claim leftist values are free n easy with racism and racist terminology.

What? Wookie says my proposal for rotating mods won’t work because, I don’t know, someone said something bad about goofballer after he was demodded and someone criticized Pocket Chads after he was a mod. I pointed out that him insisting on being mod continuously kind of makes this less compelling than if he started rotating in and out of being moderator and there was the same level of conflict.


The RFC that mods have to stand for re-election every 6 months passed, or did I miss something? I don’t think I missed something. Wookie is going to stand for re-election I assume 6 months after that RFC date. Forcing periodic elections is not the same thing as rotating mods/term limits which is what you’re suggesting.


For the same reason they don’t mind making fun of people whose politics they hate with language that might be described as fat-shaming or ageist. Most people aren’t strict ideologues.

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Ah I see. So that would be the same reason why people who are free n easy calling others xenophobes lead the most xenophobic lives themselves. Isn’t there a word for that by the way? Can you help me? Protection?..no, that’s not it.

No shit! That’s what I was telling Wookie – that my proposal for rotating mods hasn’t been implemented.

I’m subject to 6 month reelections just like everyone else, from the adoption of the RFC.

This is a pretty big self-own.

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Why would anyone expect animosity to drop for any mod that leaves the role when it hasn’t dropped for the first?

We’re savvy enough to recognize obvious bad-faith trolling.


People are still complaining about goofballer’s time as moderator? I haven’t seen that. I totally believe some people still dislike goofballer, but what are you going to do? Seems irrelevant to what I’m proposing.

Neither really. I want it to be as unacceptable here as other forms of shaming and not excused or brushed under the carpet.

Anyone can go into that thread and arrive at their own conclusions, just as yuv and the others did.

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Hey everyone. Announcement. Every listen please. This is really important…

Jal is very concerned about the level of discourse here.


It’s weird how it took you ~15 posts for you to decide this

So, you actually think that what happened was I’ve posted here since day one of the forum, have visited this site just about every day since it’s inception, haven’t donated to it. Most people haven’t, I assume. I have never once posted about donations to this forum. Haven’t mentioned it once yet you think I shamed you for not donating when we were talking about football?

Just all of a sudden in a chat about football I state that like 95% of this userbase are leeches?
Or, did I call you a leech for the reason I openly stated, for taking up the time and energy of everyone here with constant attention seeking ways?

Lol no, he doesn’t believe that. it’s trolling. It always is.

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