About Moderation (old original thread)

it’s just the internet bro. go read a different site buddy. what are you, a nerd?

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I’m literally saying everyone caring about modding and forum drama so much is making this place suck. It’s lame.

It’s also an entirely consistent position I’m taking here. Whining about modding, amplifying forum drama, forcing mods to craft all these comically complicated rules - all of that stuff is dumb and you guys should stop being little whiny bitches about everything


I could have written every post you made here in my sleep. I can also analyze the social defects that causes posts containing ‘you guys’ to be so pleasurable to your brain. If you like of course.

Either way, you are just spamming the thread now.


Marty is mad that a known problem child was modded to a stricter standard than someone who doesn’t cause problems every week.

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Please proceed governor

Love ya Wookie, but I don’t think you can mod Jalfrezi impartially at this point. We’re going to need bans for Goofy and half the posters in this thread if striving for consistency.


and it’s just as guaranteed that the other side of the choir will be here to posts without mentioning any of the facts. So since everyone is so predictable, how about we use this space to discuss the actual mod action, which is the purpose of the thread?

Now maybe I read AO’s post wrong, but as I understand it he called anyone who didn’t donate money to this forum a leech. I don’t see how this is acceptable. Maybe it’s a cultural thing, but he would get his head smashed for those comments in most parts of the world. ‘Fuck off’ not so much.

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Yeah I probably wouldn’t smash someone’s head in for calling me leech

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Then of course the people itt will come by and ask why, we’re you in the fucking thread motherfucker?

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This is seriously the part I don’t understand. Someone flagged (lol doctor) the Jal post I assume. It notifies all the mods. Just let another one handle it.


Neither do I & was why I questioned his responses to jal… @Aofrantic was the 1st itt (well maybe CN) but he did bring up Jalfrazis past wrt the forum drama and to me in a football drama thread that’s utter bullshit.

there’s also no escaping the cycle.

Person A tells Jal makes fun of Jal for being a poor and calls him a leech.
Jal replies with an uninspiring ‘fuck off’.
Jal gets banned for ‘personal attack’.
People who read it are like wtf how is that possible.
People get flamed for ‘constantly whining’.

Rinse, repeat.


This is a really charitable and borderline dishonest interpretation of what actually was said/went down.

You people cannot even get basic facts correct and try to change the narrative in these threads constantly. It’s exhausting and honestly every time this flares up I want less and less to do with this site. There’s about half a dozen of you that are hellbent on making it a shit experience.


Used to think that the alleged anti-Euro bias of the mods was comical but now see that it is actually just Trumpian tactics of accusing your opponent of what you are doing. Jalfarezi is the one who is rabidly xenophobic against Americans, and it’s clear as day.

He goes on a spectacularly xenophobic rant conspiracy mongering to try to blame America for the Euros coming up with this stupid Super League idea because of course he does, and then his lads come in here causing a ruckus when he gets a wee time out for it. Lol.


Right on cue.

I honestly wish i could dumb myself down enough to read these without getting the need to point all the fallacies in these kneejerk posts.


I don’t get why the people complaining about bans are the “whiny bitches” (sic)? From my POV this insult could just as easily be leveled at Wookie if we’re going that way. Do selective bans make someone a bitch or complaining about the ban?


At one point it seemed like half the threads were about forum drama and mod actions. That shit worsens my personal user experience on this website. Someone getting temp banned doesn’t bother me at all

What is the point of this? Seems like you’re just stirring more shit up instead trying to defuse things. jmakin is doing good work making this place run, maybe let’s not fling poo at him.

Sort by category then so you don’t have to read it. Grudge bans also make the forum worse.

He called me ‘borderline dishonest’ without an attempt to prove it then said ‘you people’ can’t get basic facts and are causing him to leave the site and I’m stirring up the pot?

I give up.