About Moderation (old original thread)

Think of this place as a clubhouse where weird nerds hang out and talk about politics.

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Posting here isnā€™t fun anymore.

For the record, my response to zizak was part of a larger context where witchita had said several times over the previous couple days I was Canadian and rich so have no right to ā€œlectureā€. Then i2i said I was too rich to understand the poor. Followed by micro suggesting Iā€™ve never travelled anywhere not on a cruise then zizak comes in to say ā€œhe doesnā€™t care if it offends meā€ but Iā€™m too rich to understand the lower third.

All of this because I had the audacity to suggest the stimulus was good for the poor.

This claim of me being rich is filled with subtext on UP. It is levelled at me all the time. Among this community being rich is considered among the worst things you can be. The site is filled with eat the rich and guillotine meme and jokes. When people call me rich they are purposely making the most ā€œotheringā€ insult they can among this group. No other insult is meant to be more cutting.

Also for the record, I am middle class. I live in a 1100 square foot townhouse and drive an 8 year old Mazda 3. Iā€™m way better off than many/most but not rich by most standards.

I still have no idea what any of this has to do with whether the stimulus is good for the poor.

Anyway, I donā€™t have fun here anymore so you can mod my response however you like. I donā€™t really care anymore.


Feel like youā€™re overreacting here. Let it go, take a break, re-evaluate.




clovis is a good poster. I probably would have moderated the fuck you post, but thatā€™s me. After he explained the context, I understand it more.

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You peeps should understand too that mod decisions arenā€™t like this collective decision. We have mostly independent (volunteer) mods making decisions they feel is best. I could be wrong about this, but Iā€™m pretty sure if you flag a post, and even a single moderator clicks ā€œignoreā€, that you will be told no action was decided on the flag.

Thatā€™s why this whole narrative about all the mods being on some kind of vendetta against left-leaning posters is so bizarre to me. There is none. You even have a leftie mod now!

ETA: FFS I could have even accidentally clicked ignore on the flag while on the admin account for all I know, I accidentally click shit all the time.

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Among this community being rich is considered among the worst things you can be.

Yea, this fucking irks me sometimes. But it is what it is. Like, Iā€™m pretty sure some or many of the people that rail against the rich on here are fairly well off themselves. There are several extremely wealthy people on this site. I am probably in the top 1% for my age, myself. I think making broad strokes assumptions about someoneā€™s motives or biases based solely on things like income is pretty poor posting. Especially, ESPECIALLY if your end goal is enacting meaningful change. You want the wealthy to be on your side, because money controls everything in this country, and they have the means to do things that the poor cannot. Itā€™s just a cruel fact of living in this society.

I think billionaires are probably/certainly pretty shitty people. But some educated guy posting on here with an upper middle class income and some assets didnā€™t like, fuck a lot of people over to get where he is (most likely). Nor is his existence a threat to society. Billionaires and mega-millionaires are a bad thing. Making an upper middle class income is definitely not. $150k/year is such a god damn drop in the bucket compared to what the mega rich make. Itā€™s so dumb and petty to rail on someone for that.

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Working the refs is a time-honored strategy in this community.


You invited this by being the not-all-billionaires guy and declaring yourself part of Canadaā€™s 3%.

You obsessing about the line between rich and not rich is like Joe Manchin obsessing about where the line is that makes someone too rich to receive a stimulus check. Because people perceive you as having a Manchin-like belief in compromise and nuance, you become a substitute target to punch in the face in lieu of a far-away Senator who doesnā€™t respond.


This is correct. I didnā€™t realize for most of my tenure that ā€œignoreā€ removed the flag for all mods. I thought it just made the notification for me go away but another mod who had more context would take a look.

This is totally untrue. One of the criticisms of the US left is how money-minded they are: itā€™s hard to imagine a European left forum having threads dedicated to stocks and shares. Stonks has 2000 posts in a month.

It might be more that you like to drop boasts in every now and again that winds people like this upā€¦

which I totally understand because people boasting about spending thousands on a meal and taking luxury cruises while at the same time saying how troubled about poverty they are is infuriating and nauseating, and rage-puke doesnā€™t taste good.

ETA: thatā€™s a general point about liberals, not specifically you.


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Lol. A+.

tenor (2)


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Can I not start this up? Seriously?

wtf am I reading

he meant cussing people out

Can we just not? Surely you can make whatever point you need to make about America and dystopia without these ad hominem barbs.


Iā€™d have preferred to leave this as it was, but as you @'d meā€¦

Buying/selling company shares has a different set of consequences for other people than playing poker against willing individuals does, so while theyā€™re both gambling I donā€™t agree that feeling reasonably comfortable with one dictates how someone should feel about the other.

Agree that being left-leaning is an awkward fit with trying to make as much money as possible, and most decent people struggle with this to a greater or lesser degree.

The stonks thread, as it is, is 99% lightly informed, zero-sum gambling, and about 1% sound advice about putting savings into low-fee, passively managed, diversified mutual funds and forgetting about it until retirement.

That said, the latter is basically a solved problem, so thereā€™s little need to argue or learn about it when itā€™s been shown to a remarkable degree of confidence that thereā€™s no investing strategy that can beat this on a consistent basis, and certainly not for a minimally informed outsider.