About Moderation (old original thread)

What if it’s based on hundreds and thousands of posts they’ve made as well as just biography and location?

Maybe focus more on the reasons you think they’re wrong? You’re a smart lad, I think you get why ad homenim arguments are stupid.

Calling someone with Down syndrome by the r-word is shitty even if it is “true.”

It’s just that they’re not always wrong (see Mandy Rice-Davies) and they are in fact quite broadly accepted around here when the defining feature is eg race or gender.

Reminder that we’re discussing something like “You are rich and thus unlikely to understand poverty”.


Actually, people were discussing some point about legislation that passed, and how much it will help the poor. Clovis could have been entirely wrong, but his income is entirely irrelevant.

The actual exchange was about whether it was justifiable to call America a dystopia:

It absolutely is duct tape and it absolutely is a dystopia for an increasing number of people. I get it’s not dystopia to you , because you’re insulated from it. Sorry if it offends you to point out the obvious fact that you’re a well off person, but I do know enough about your life to assume you have never come remotely close to real struggle like the bottom third of the US experiences every day.

I can see disagreeing with it but it seems game-ball to me either way and not something that warrants moderation.

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oh please.

I guess you’re not American enough to get it.

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come on man, this is you yesterday.

I don’t think you need to be moderated. I just find the near constant disingenuous posting frustrating, which you exemplify again here. It’s frankly disrespectful to everyone else.

This is you being disingenuous.

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Stop fucking lying!

How many of your posts in that thread were moderated? You were allowed to make your point, seemingly without moderation, though not without criticism. It was done with a tone that I think should be permitted and it didn’t devolve into a string of obscenities and insults with no other point.

Folks, this is politics. Accusing the other side of lying and being disingenuous is a standard part of the game. Y’all need to be a bit more thick-skinned over this stuff.

Not respecting that other people might just disagree with you and aren’t lying about their position isn’t helpful getting your point across… which begs the question of why you’re doing that

Last time I checked no one here is up for election and the board has the goal of informing people through productive discussion. Making wild and baseless accusations of lying isn’t helpful towards that goal. While I don’t think that’s reason to mod anything, it’s fair to give that feedback imo.

You previously said that

Implying that similar leftists responses are not allowed. CN notes that you were (correctly) allowed to criticize Biden’s non-leftists supporters without moderation.

Consistency of modding decisions is the key here, and clovis should clearly be let off telling someone to fuck off repeatedly, as other centrists always are.

How about no.

I think the modding has consistently hidden posts that are one-liners telling people to fuck off and consistently been more lenient towards posts that also include substantive points.

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What’s the alternative? Copying the House of Representatives’ rules of decorum and not speaking disrespectfully to or about other posters, nor discussing their intent, motives, or personalities?

This stuff is fair game in talking about politicians. It should be fair game in talking about other advocates of political positions that we wish to argue against.

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