Andrew Cuomo: We got him!!!

This community generally assumes anyone over 60 has late-stage dementia. I’ve seen it a few times back on 22.


Poor you getting called out for spreading qanon conspiracy theories about Biden’s health.

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We all bought the efforts of people like you to trick us into thinking Biden has dementia to some degree, and then we all felt like fools after watching him debate like a normal person for several hours. Fool me once…

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@ChrisV seems to have this topic covered pretty well. Here was a post he made on it that I could find. Thoughts?

I’m in my early 40s and couldn’t remember my postal code today. Same one I’ve had for a decade. Should I get checked for dementia?

Or maybe, a guy who has given thousands of televised speeches, has lifelong stutter, and is in his late 70s might forget something once in awhile and it’s not clinical dementia.

Is there another kind?

Jesus fucking Christ are you really coming with the fake stutter takes now? For the record I reported this post. It’s shameful and should be removed.

Yes the kind rc and victoar are talking about. The pure fantasy kind.

If you click through there’s a post right under that one as well where I detail her history of making up stories. Just digging up some fib someone told once can be a form of smearing them, because, well, raise your hand if you have never told a lie in your life. The thing about Reade is that she’s not merely a liar but a fabulist - she weaves entire made-up tales on demand. Most people don’t do that. Of particular note is the bit where when she’s challenged on why she’s changed her story, she cheerfully invents a victim narrative where she was railroaded into her original story by the insensitive media. (The Vox reporter contradicting her on this is also a woman so, you know, #believewomen).



About half of us are going to be demented pretty soon.

I think I might have posted something like this already, but when it looked possible to me that Biden might not make it through the campaign and Cuomo had a national profile due to COVID etc, I made a small speculative bet on Cuomo nominee at +8500. At this point I had never actually seen any footage of him. The first time I saw him speak on camera, I was like “oh OK, I lit money on fire I guess”.

After Giuliani, Bloomberg and this guy, my conclusion is that New Yorkers must just really love getting dommed? Being an arrogant, repulsive freak is an impediment to elected office in most jurisdictions, but it seems like for NY mayor/governor it’s an asset.


Don’t forget Spitzer!

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50 new posts in the Cuomo thread, there must be some new… oh.


Is it, though? I feel like that sort seem to be over-represented among politicians. Over ~75 million people voted for Trump who is the epitome of arrogant, repulsive freak. Surely there are jurisdictions all over the place where it plays well.

Both of these posts are so way out of what I’ve seen here that I’m still wondering if I missed something. Y’all really mean either of these posts? Because the implications of both of those make me wonder why you’d ever post here tbh.

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Right, I guess to be more accurate, generally you need some sort of charm or charisma to paper over the fact that you’re an arrogant, repulsive freak. Bill Clinton is the obvious example here. What distinguishes the New York breed is their lack of charisma and their absolutely unvarnished, unconcealed contempt for voters. Trump is a sort of hybrid of the two where he definitely is a New York guy with contempt for his voters but has enough of the showman about him to convince his fans that he only has contempt for the other side.

Sorry everybody, I didn’t mean to derail the thing. I was just trying to get an answer from jman since he bumped a comment I made a while back to highlight a specific point. Had I known it would lead to a bunch of the kind of comments I got in response I would have simply left it alone. Been a bit enlightening, at least.

Since I’m here, here’s an article with accounts of Reade telling people about it at the time, that also addresses the number of specious arguments people have made to “debunk” her.

Also, Chris’ use of “believe women” in his post here is vile, as is his use of “victim narrative” to describe an actual victim. And worse, I think he knows it. (Let’s see if he believes the woman who wrote the article I posted.)

I’m profoundly disappointed how many people are happily buying into the “if you’re not a perfect victim it didn’t happen” story. But I’m learning a lot about some of you, I guess.

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Thanks for the link. I’ll have a look at it.

Can you quote the vile part in the @ChrisV post? I don’t see the words “believe women” in the post you linked.