About Moderation (old original thread)

uh belonging to a community/message board where people are allowed to use the n word without being banned is pretty telling


They’re just asking questions. Why are you so closed minded?

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Wtf you’ve been on a board for 5+ years where people drop the n-word every other word? Fuck the hell off with that shit.

ETA: but this Kel guy seems cool. Yeah, why was he banned?

Not a member, just check out some of the posting. The board is pokerfraudalert.

FYI, I haven’t looked at this thread in a year, but just wanted to provide notice that the domain name has been renewed for 2 years and is set to autorenew every 2 years. Card is good until 2025. Let me know if I should post this elsewhere or msg anyone.


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ukraine LC Debates and Arguements

Bummer that we can’t keep the current group.

Nice to see that the drama has died down.


We totally can. It would probably get like 95% support to remove term limits or whatever it is

I believe the rotation helps with this. Why can’t we keep this set of mods that we like can quickly turn into, we hate these entrenched overlords.

They can be voted back in again after a 2 month break. It’s good for them to have some time off too. Enjoy the vacation!

The issue here has never been the mods staying on too long.



It’s funny because the actual reality is that there was an attempt to appease them on every issue for months and months. Rotating mods being a prime example.



How about we just not do this for the 300th time?


My reaction is more for how that’s what’s going to stick in the canon, and the “all the” you put before it

That’s going to be everyone’s takeaway


What I don’t get is why anyone who left for paradise would care in any way what is going on here except to troll. That part I get completely.


Nobody wanted to leave this place, they specifically wanted to try to improve it in a way that left everyone satisfied with the outcome. At least that was what was publicly said, I missed being able to read the PM thread that was briefly made public so maybe there was something in it that was more nefarious.

The group that left us felt cast off of Unstuck the same way all of us felt cast off from 2+2 and it sucks that we’re the Masons in this scenario.


There was.

We’re not.

