About Moderation (old original thread)

To be fair, I don’t think Yuv was the first mod to cross this Rubicon.



Ok a BBQ or whatever it’s called. :rofl:

Hey everyone.

Spider has kindly demoded me at my request. I am not leaving. I just don’t want to have to read the About forum anymore.

All the best to the remaining mods and the good work they are doing.

I wish meb would have just admitted he overstepped and not decided to leave.



They make you cook too?


The only opinion I’m going to voice in any of this is that I think, and have always thought, that deleting accounts is an unreasonable request and should basically never be done. Admins should never be pressured to take their own personal time to change site settings to ludicrous numbers, break threads, and possibly break the entire site in critical ways that may be very difficult to fix.

There is a reason the default setting for deleting accounts is locked to 15 posts. There is an anonymize function. That, and possibly deleting a few problematic posts, should be more than enough for any real world situation. Anything more is a spiteful parting shot that serves no purpose and puts the forum at risk for the members who have chosen not to leave.



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Another admission that you’re just here to blow this place up while I’m trying to make the place better. You know, since I tried to stop this.

The thread where we voted on this is gone because ggoreo was the OP but there has never been a cooling off period for deleting or anonymizing accounts because the community voted to immediately honor the requests.

Maybe I just think you being gone would make the place much better and I was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. But anyway, I spent a considerable amount of time last week warning about what I thought was going on.

Plus I’m pretty sure that your main concern was CN possibly getting banned. You are most certainly not working to make the forum better.

In addition to all that my recollection is that asking for an account deletion is also an extra hassle for the admin. I think it would be best if people refrained from asking for a full account deletion unless there’s a legitimate doxxing concern.

It definitely could be. When anonymouscookie54321 deleted accounts, it involved a lot of manual intervention to keep thread breaking to an absolute minimum, and also involved an acceptance of personal responsibility to fix anything that went wrong. If spidercrab or olink wants to voluntarily take on a similar task, more power to them. But if neither of them is comfortable changing “15” to “eleventybazillion YOLO mash the buttons!”, then they should feel absolutely zero pressure to do so, and individual users have no right to demand it.

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Did we lose the BANGERS tournament?

I can’t find it (or the regular BANGERS thread).

It’s gone.

What the fuck? The whole thread? Why?

He pulled an oreo and took it with him. I’m sad, but not mad.

I generally agree with you, but at the same time, we have declared that people own their posts. If people own their posts, then they definitely have a right to delete them at their whim. If people don’t have the right to delete their own posts here, then that should definitely be established by the community.

It’s pretty shitty that someone deleting their posts means that all of my posts in their threads are nuked, too. It’s almost like that means I don’t own my posts either.

They clearly don’t, as I had many posts in the BANGERS thread which apparently no longer exist.

Now that meb has self demoded and I think he undid the church/jal stuff, does that mean oreo will come back and we can get all the site modifications back? Anyone have a way to back channel him and find out.

Nah, we just lose people one drama bomb at a time.