About Moderation (old original thread)

Hey all,

As promised, I will be issuing two lengthy bans this morning until July 1, 2032. The two posters being banned are Churchill and jalfrezi. I want to start by saying I personally hold no ill will towards either poster, and wish them the best in any other online community they may choose to participate in. I do not believe they are responsible for all issues here, but still believe it is in the best interest of the forum.

There were originally going to be two more bans issued, but these are not happening for a couple reasons. Over the past week, this forum has been operating with basically zero issues. There have been very few flags, about unstuck threads have fallen off the front page, and there’s been very little drama overall. There are a number of reasons that this may have happened, but it coincides with the two posters who are not being banned being on their best behavior and contributing positively to the forum. It also coincides with the two posters who are being banned being absent from the forum.

If behavior reverts to being very negative to this forum, or if any poster makes it clear their only reason for being here is to attack this community, then further bans may be considered. Otherwise, my hope is that these are the only two i issue.

If you disagree with my decisions, there is an established protocol for the community to request that these bans are reversed, or that I should be removed as a mod. I will not argue against either of these things happening and will respect the community vote if it reaches the 60% threshold. I will also review the votes and if over 50% of what I consider to be active posters are voting against me, I will honor the decision at that lower threshold.

Final thing, I am agreeing to the idea that if any lengthy ban I issue is reversed, then all lengthy bans I issue will be reversed and I will resign as a mod so that the community does not need to go through the process of several long votes.

Thanks all, and for those of you in the US, have a great holiday weekend!

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If this happens, wouldn’t the logical conclusion be that the two posters who were banned were not the cause, or at the very least, not the only cause? If this is an experiment, you controlled for two variables. If this does not cause the result of the experiment to change, the null hypothesis is that those were not the variables causing the result.

I already don’t believe they were the only cause. I don’t believe that needs to be true for it to be true that this is the best decision for the forum as a whole.

OK. I guess it’s the platform you ran on and were elected on, so sounds like that’s what the majority of the forum wants.

Wow you really took a leap with those bans!

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I believe you said your bans would not be along group lines. A lie, what a shocker.

It was honest at the time. It may still happen.

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Ok liar

Not a liar, but willing to admit that my opinion can change on things. If it does, something I previously said may contradict the current situation.

I’m sorry if the decision upsets you. I think you and I have always had a good rapport here, and I’d like to continue that.

When you capriciously ban someone’s friends for ten years they might hold it against you. Who would have thunk it.

And yes I’ve always gotten along with you and if someone banned you for ten years I’d be upset too.


Dw some people behaved well for a week after years of problems (that meb observed themselves and seemed to take more seriously than anyone). Farcical.


Apparently the limit was 22(?) temp bans by 7 different mods! Good to know.

Capricious mod overrules community vote for the luls. What a perfect encapsulation of why this forum sucks.


I guess keeed got “capricious” in my head. Good word.

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it’s a perfectly cromulent word

Banning all the UK posters does seem to be reducing conflict. Reminds me of the good old days when women weren’t allowed on the golf course.

As a result of meb campaigning on this

and then immediate breaking his word by banning two users from the same “team,” I have anonymized my ggoreo account as I refuse to post here while meb is still mod (though I might have to cave during the election).

Your plan is already a failure. You have increased the alienation one side as your very first act, pulling the community further apart, and effectively driving one of the groups off the forum. I’m absolutely sickened by how you have just ensured the destruction of this forum that we created together.

I considered undoing the hundreds of hours I’ve put into this place by temporarily removing all of the customizations I’ve made to the site until July 1, 2032, but that you’ve already done enough damage here, by not only immediately going back on your word, but also permanently banning someone whom the community just voted not to permanently ban less than 5 weeks ago. Oh right, not permanently, just for 10 years. How clever!

@spidercab please de-admin this account


I’m following this whole drama way, way less than most, so I’m definitely not aware of all the details. But “I changed my mind” seems completely ridiculous in this spot.

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meb discussed his bans with ALL current mods earlier in the week and told us who the ban candidates were, nothing has changed since then to target any “side”.

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