About Moderation (old original thread)

Have I seen you in those JCS interrogation videos where the cop skillfully gets the serial killer to confess?

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There is no one to speak to. Refunds are not actually a thing. I was able to help arrange for one poster to get his money refunded due to the circumstances surrounding it. Depending on who you were and the reasons for your request, I would have potentially been willing to look into it for you too. Without that info, nothing can be done. Sorry.

Poster banned multiple times by over zealous mods, one of them was so overzealous that he rage quit and has been in a rage ever since (no pointing fingers at you goofy).

I didn’t pay to be banned by arseholes.

So I’d like my money back please.

We can do the rest of this by PM.

Shown your hand there, bro. Blending in like a foreskin at a Bar Mitzvah.


I got a Wendy’s gift card I can send you if you give me an address.

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Please stop.


I think there’s at least $20 still on it.

We haven’t had Wendy’s over here since like 93 or something.

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Can we not do this?

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Oh shit. Guess who’s back, back again, Wendy’s back, tell a friend!

Still the greatest ad:




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In all seriousness, this isn’t a thing and technically the user whose money was “refunded” was actually just paid by someone else and not from the UP treasury. The site treasurer has already said they’re not going to act as a refund middleman again so add up the donations you feel are owed back to you and post your venmo or something, I guess.

OK fair enough, I’m back with a clean slate then.

you kind of already ruined the slate with this refund demand though



I made it know that I’d like to speak to the refund guy, got told there is no refund guy and I’ve moved onto being back with a clean slate.