About Moderation

I pick the most bizarre audiobooks for long car trips. Nick Cutter is great for a gross-out horror experience but man, it’s not very seasonal.

Wait until you see the others.


This but as a resting state:

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Imagine all the people living life in peace.

Which is a fair point, but,

this whole hidden-post biz is way more interesting right now. I mean, once you’ve seen one thrusting spandex groin you’ve seen them all.

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Keep the creepy stalker and homophobic posts coming guys, really great showing today.

If I promise pinky swear cross my heart and hope to die that I’m not complaining about the posts being hidden and am not Big Mad nor any size Mad and rather am just super curious and interested…

…can I ask why those posts were hidden?

Ya but I think it might be homophobic when I do.

Can we try something radical for a change?


Which posts are ‘creepy stalker and homphobic posts’, and why do you think so?

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Why not?

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p.s. I’m gonna assume the ‘no’ was to the first question and not the second.

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On the question of letting ALL the members decide democratically via poll versus letting stand the decision of an officer, how say you, UP?

Authoritarianism wins in a landslide!

As I stated, I personally think we shouldn’t need a poll since there is no rule and no precedence for denying the return of a member who left voluntarily and I’ve heard no reasonable counterargument.

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FYI, prior to you making this post, I have reached out to the “yes” voters to invite them to make a poll on the issue (or to instruct me to make one at their request). You or any other member are also welcome to do so.

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Without meaning to sound overly critical or ascribe any implication to as to what you mean, because maybe some members are simply unaware, but no member actually needs permission to make any poll.

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I agree.

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It might be results oriented, but I think it was worth it. Even though I’m not a big fan of having discussions interrupted all the time with tired “Friday” jokes, the discobot delivered perfectly and it was pretty hilarious.

Lol, holy shit, @anon38180840 never take a day off again please.

Edit: Commonwealth Tomorrow Morning:


What bad thing do you imagine transpired, that would have been prevented?