About Andor, and lesser Star Wars things


Something a little off with this last episode. Almost too much boba fett and just a kind of uninspired plot. B/B-

So the actress playing the sniper, Ming-Na Wen, is 57 years old. The fuck?

She had a significant roles back in the 1990s. Have you looked at her filmography?

yeah, just impressed me more

I thought it was fine, i guess not much happened other than lots of fighting, but i enjoyed it, Boba is badass

So why didnā€™t Boba take back his armor from Timothy Olyphant? How would Boba lose his armor in the first place?
Star Wars has a problem with characters always not actually dying though Boba being alive is the one Iā€™ve have the least problem with because he could simply use his jetpack to fly out of the sarlacc pit. Still would be nice if a dead character actually stayed dead.

In the EU, boba survives for months (i think) in the sarlaac pit, which was a super sentient being that feeds off the memories of its victim over centuries. Boba fett ends up playing mind games with it and blowing it up and escaping just barely with his life. I believe he got rescued by dengar, one of the bounty hunters seen in empire. I wonder if they are gonna borrow from the eu here, because it seems like they are willing to with the thrawn reference.

Boba fett stories in the EU were the best ones. They wrote him as such an unbelievable badass. He had a very rich lore for a character that barely speaks or has any screen time.

My only issue with boba fett in the official canon is the way he gets got in the sarlaac pit - itā€™s such a comical and dumb ending to one of the most badass humans in the entire star wars universe. When he came on screen in the mandalorian I lost my shit, really one of my favorite characters from star wars other than vader.


I mean bobo fett wasnā€™t one of the most badass humans in the star war MOVIES. Most people who watched all three movies didnā€™t even know who he was!

Well, if you want to go purely by what exists in the movies only, then I could still make a strong argument for that. However there is a lot of boba fett stuff outside of the movies ( like in the clone wars series) that exists still in the official canon post-EU, and like it or not, this is star wars canon.

However, the movies distinctly portray him as a badass. He wears a mask and suit of armor that looks kind of like vaderā€™s. When tasked with hunting han solo, vader points at him specifically and says ā€œno disintegrations.ā€ This is done to give the viewer the impression that this guy is not a dude that should be fucked with.

Later, he repeatedly argues with vader about han soloā€™s fate, because he wants the bounty from jabba and itā€™s no good if solo dies. He is not afraid of vader at all and it is obvious. Heā€™s one of the only characters other than palpatine that isnt afraid of vader and talks to him like an equal.

In jabbaā€™s palace, when leia in disguise pulls out a thermal detonator, everyone freaks out but him. He draws his weapon.

He is also described at one point as the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.

I mean you can nit on all of this if you like but even in just the movies heā€™s clearly portrayed as a badass in the few scenes heā€™s in. Itā€™s peak LOL LUCAS to build a character up like this and then kill him off in a comical, stupid way.



Iā€™m not caught up because LOL paying for D+ before Januaryā€™s MCU avalanche begins, but I canā€™t help but read the occasional review. Sounds like the show is doing very well.

Love this review from Liz Miller on why Mandoā€™s decision to [spoiler] last episode is an inconsistency that deepens his character arc.

Iā€™m caught up, it continues to deliver IMO, plus Bill Burr is great lol


I like that bills character is basically himself imo

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The show is alright. A pretty easy, fun watch. Starting to get a little annoying that Mando is seemingly invincible and never misses a shot. The stakes are low when you know heā€™s just going to blast all the stormtroopers without breaking a sweat.

Stormtroopers were suddenly elite taking care of those pirates but otherwise theyre beyond useless.

According to Rex in Star Wars Rebels (and technically Luke in Ep IV), the reason stormtroopers canā€™t hit anything is because you canā€™t see a damn thing in those helmets. If only the Empire would read the suggestion box!!!

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This is pretty much my exact take on the show. I watched all of S1 but it took me forever to get through, not once was I like ā€œoooh I have to put on the next one and see what happens.ā€ I finally watched one episode of S2 and it was the same dumb lazy quest plot that like 3/4 of S1 had. Someone give me a good reason to continue watching, I really wanna like the show but it just kinda sucks.

Iā€™m not looking for prestige television. Iā€™m fine with a straight-forward, well-executed series that actually wants me to care about the main characters instead of trying to be edgy or to reinvent the genre. I have no problems with main characters who have plot armor so I have no doubts about them surviving until the series finale.

Itā€™s actually refreshing to have an antihero protagonist who isnā€™t a giant ball of grimdark angst, where every episode is an exercise in dragging the audience into sharing his misery. I want to feel hope and optimism because Din Djarin is becoming a better person through his associations, even though the pessimist in me says that Grogu might end up being used to resurrect Palpatine.

And because itā€™s Star Wars, I want some continuity porn and fan service.